You might think your dreams are huge, like you’re pushing the limits of what’s possible. But guess what? The Universe is over here smiling, knowing that its plans for you are even bigger.

Seriously. While you’re over there manifesting, setting goals, and checking off to-do lists, the Universe is quietly working behind the scenes, setting up something way beyond your wildest imagination.

You might feel like you’re starting to see it all come together—and that’s great! But here’s the truth: this is just the beginning. The Universe has dreams for you that are bigger, better, and more mind-blowing than anything you’ve dared to dream for yourself.

Let that sink in for a second. While you’re working hard, visualizing your goals, and watching them slowly unfold, there’s a whole other level of amazingness waiting for you—one that you probably haven’t even dared to dream about.

It’s like you’re planning a cozy little house, and the Universe is out there designing a mansion with ocean views, fully aware that’s what you really want. So yeah, your thoughts are powerful, but the Universe’s thoughts? They’re next-level.

We all get caught up in setting our goals, getting hyper-focused on what we think we want. It feels good to dream big, right? But what if your “big” is the Universe’s “just getting started”? There’s something thrilling (and kind of scary) about that, isn’t there? Like, you’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible.

Look, I know it’s easy to limit ourselves when life has thrown us a few curveballs. Maybe you’ve been let down or told you were asking for too much. And now, as things start to go your way, you might feel like this is it—this is what you’ve worked so hard for. But the Universe? She’s over there shaking her head like, “Girl, we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet!”

This is your reminder to loosen your grip on the how and the when. You don’t have to know every step. Sure, you’ve got plans, and that’s great. But leave some room for those things you didn’t even know you wanted. You know, those moments where you look around and think, “How is this even my life right now?” That’s the Universe doing her thing—dreaming bigger for you than you’ve ever dreamed for yourself.

And I get it—trusting that kind of magic can feel like stepping off a cliff. But what if I told you that’s exactly where the real growth happens? When you stop trying to control every outcome, you make space for the Universe to surprise you. Because here’s the deal: every time you’ve dreamed of something, the Universe has thought, “That’s cute, but let’s add some sparkle.”

So as you sit here, celebrating the wins, don’t forget—this is just the opening act. The headliner? It’s coming, and it’s going to blow your mind. The Universe isn’t done with you yet. In fact, it’s barely getting started.

You think you’re aiming high, but the Universe? It’s preparing to take you to a whole new level. A level where things just start to flow. Where opportunities you didn’t even know existed begin to show up. Where you realize that everything you thought was the dream was just a warm-up.

The key here is trust. Trust that there’s something bigger in the works for you, even when you can’t see it. Trust that the Universe is aligning people, situations, and opportunities in your favor. And trust that every step you’ve taken so far has been leading you to this exact moment.

So here’s your invitation: Stop playing small. Stop thinking you’ve reached your peak. Instead, get curious. What if this is just the beginning? What if there’s so much more waiting for you—more joy, more love, more freedom, more everything?

You don’t need to have it all figured out. You just need to show up, stay open, and remember that the Universe dreams in 3D, high-def, full-color brilliance. And that vision? It’s for you.

So keep doing your thing. Keep moving forward. But know that the Universe is working behind the scenes, dreaming even bigger and better things for you. And the best part? Those dreams are already on their way. Buckle up. Things are about to get really good.

Ready to step into the next level of your life? Don’t let fear hold you back. Schedule a discovery session with me, and together we’ll unlock the magic that’s waiting for you. The Universe has bigger plans for you, it is already on your side—now, let’s get you on board too.

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