weekend binges

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I share strategies that’ll help you to say bye-bye to those overwhelming and painful weekend binges – whether they’re plan days in ahead or happen spontaneously. These tools will heal the reasons behind your need to eat until you can’t breathe anymore.

Weekend binges are a super painful side effect of the endless cycle of dieting

The more we focus on having to lose weight, the more often we start off a new week by going on yet another weight loss diet, the more we blame and shame our bodies for their natural shape, the more we’ll eat on the weekends… only to start the cycle off again on Monday.

I used to plan my weekend binges days before they happened. I’d dream of exactly what I’d eat on Saturday or Sunday. I’d go on elaborate shopping trips and buy everything I wouldn’t allow myself to eat during the week. Most of my week was overshadowed by severe hunger, but the light at the end of the tunnel was just around the corner: my glorious weekend binge.

Naturally, I didn’t enjoy my binges because my belly was hurting and my brain was counting calories and freaking out about how I’d get rid of all the weight again. But I had to eat because… well, it was the weekend and the weekends were for bingeing.

Little did I know that there was a different way of eating, of living, of “doing” weekends.

But today, there are no more weekend binges, there are no more planned eating attacks, there is no more need to stuff myself until I am hurting. Nope, weekends are just weekends.

If you’re caught in this awful trap, there is a way out and this episode will show you how. <3

Ready to eat what you want when you want without going into a big binge? Take the leap of faith and book your coaching package with me now.

It’s time to stop hurting and start creating FREEDOM.

You have what it takes to turn this around.
You have what it takes to let go of needing to be in pain and playing small.

I see it in your eyes.
I see it in your heart.
I see it in your every move and every word.

You are the one you were always meant to be –
just covered by fear and shame –
and the wrong belief that being thin will instantly ease all your pain and allow you to create a life of rainbows and unicorns.

It’s time to leave that behind.
It’s time to unleash the superwoman that’s inside.

Not overnight.
But by strategically going through the steps to allowing your core to shine.

I’m here to help. <3

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