We all have them: the “fat” days.

We wake up, we feel bleh, ugly, wich we translate into “fat”.

When you’re breaking out of diet prison, these days can destroy all your good intentions and your commitment to staying off the weight loss sites and choosing a path of sanity and wholeness.

Fat days often come out of the blue and it’s difficult to handle them once they’re there. All you want to do is stay at home, eat ice cream and cry – because what’s the point of going out in the world if you’re just so darn fat, right?

Well, if you’ve read my blogs and listened to my podcasts for a while, you know that all of this is complete BS. It’s made up, it’s imaginary, it’s not true. A concept created by the diet industry.

Here’s the science behind it:

Feeling thin or fat is an illusion constructed in our posterior parietal cortex—an area of the brain that integrates sensory information from different parts of the body. Unlike your sense of touch, there are no specialized receptors in your body that send information to the brain about the size and shape of your body parts, says lead study author Henrik Ehrsson, MD, PhD.

“Instead, the brain appears to create a map of the body by integrating signals from the relevant body parts such as skin, joints and muscles, along with visual cues,” he says.*

Good to know, right? But this doesn’t make those fat days any less painful and annoying.

That’s why I share my favorite way of dealing with fat days and how to prepare yourself for them in this episode of Escape Diet Prison.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature

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Here’s how meditation helped me beat binge eating once and for all.

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