Sometimes when you feel you’re doing everything right,
it’s really hard to accept that your body has other plans.
Sometimes when you are eating “good” and you are taking care of yourself,
it’s really hard to surrender control to your body’s needs.
Sometimes –
especially when you’ve been living in Dietland forever –
it’s almost unbearable to accept that your body’s needs might be different than society’s desires.
And so,
it’s easy to feel betrayed by your body.
It’s easy to feel like you cannot trust yourself
your body
your hunger and satiation signals.
After all, if you’re doing everything right,
and your body is still not changing
or changing in ways you don’t want,
it feels like you’re failing.
Your body,
you think,
is showing you that you’re a failure.
even worse,
your body wants to do everything to make you unhappy,
to make you fat,
to make you live a life of misery.
You’re doing everything you can to hold it together
but inside
you’re falling apart.
All you want is peace, right?
Or is being thin more important?
Do you know?
Do you want to know?
Can you even look at yourself
or does it hurt too much to look in the mirror?
Do you feel betrayed with every move you make?
Do you feel put down by your own body every day in every way?
Are you scared of your body?
Scared of what is going to happen in the future?
If this is what happens now –
now that you’re doing it all right
so you think
what is doing it right anyway?
Or maybe you’ve been “good”
and then
out of the blue
you’re bingeing.
You’re overeating.
You’re standing in front of the fridge,
the food dropping down your chin
and you have no idea how you got there,
how you ended up eating everything you’ve just bought in the 15 minutes your partner took a shower.
And it hurts.
Of course it hurts.
And so you think of going on a diet.
What’s the alternative?
What else could you do?
If you’re being so strict with yourself,
if you’re eating so little and your body is still not doing what your mind wants her to do,
how can you not go on another diet?
How can you not restrict even more?
After all, your body is not to be trusted.
Your body is just here to punish you for
whatever it is you need punishment for.
Well, obviously that’s all BS.
These are beliefs that come from extreme fear
of actually being who you are.
Being the true you
and allowing your body to be her true Self too.
Can you see that?
Can you acknowledge that?
And even though you know that a diet is your only way out
(just kidding)
you are also deathly afraid of hurting yourself even more.
As you know
of course you know
that dieting is exactly what got you to this point.
Dieting is what screwed with your natural instincts.
It’s what made you binge,
go crazy whenever you’re around forbidden foods.
Dieting is what screwed your metabolism,
what raised your setpoint,
what made you feel disappointed in yourself
every day in every way.
So, why are you trying to deny it?
Why are you even thinking of going back to the one thing that is so destructive to your entire life?
Why are you addicted to pain?
It’s not your body that is betraying you,
it’s you who is betraying yourself.
Not willingly,
of course,
but it’s still what you’re doing.
And it doesn’t have to be this way.
Nothing has to stay the way it is.
It can be changed.
You can break free.
You can stop hurting yourself and making yourself believe that it’s good for you.
The diet,
your only way out,
is not even an option
if you are longing for true healing,
which you are.
The diet,
your only way deeper into hell,
is not what is going to give you heaven,
it’s what’s going to tear you apart.
What then is the solution?
What then can you do?
Tune in.
Trust that if you are breaking yourself down in a good way,
if you are burning through your limiting beliefs,
if you are getting to your truth,
you are going to be alright.
Your body is going to be alright.
Your life will be so much better than just alright.
You’ll thrive.
You’ll feel light in your body.
You’ll feel safe in your body.
You’ll feel at peace with food.
You may not be in love with the way you look every second of every day,
but you’ll be free.
You will no longer feel like your body is betraying you just because it doesn’t do what your mind wants her to do.
You will no longer feel oh so hurt by your body’s changes just because of your deep insecurities.
You will no longer hold on to what was –
not even remembering the pain that “what was” used to cause you.
You will live in the present,
which is where all your power lies.
You will make decisions with your body,
based on your needs.
You will let go of your binges,
step by step,
And you will live your life
beyond being tied to having a certain size and looking a certain way.
There’ll be no room for betrayal
because you will no longer live an arms length away from who you are.
So, don’t say you’re going on another diet –
you’re just scaring yourself into more binges
more overeating
more insane behavior.
So, don’t say you hate your body –
you’re just lying to yourself.
So, don’t say you’re failing –
you’re learning how to love yourself,
trust your body
and live the life you were born to live.
Your relationship with your body can turn into a beautiful connection!
You might be thinking that your situation is hopeless, that you’ll always have to fight your body, log calories, exercise your body to the ground, stay hungry and unsatisfied.
You might be thinking that you’re the exception, that you’re different than those who did break free.
However, those thoughts aren’t true.
Your relationship with food and your body can change. It will change if you take the right steps, if you learn the right skills and if you transform your mindset – lovingly, of course.
It might not happen overnight, but it can happen for sure.
Work with me now.