You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
– Buddha

Do you ever think that loving yourself is selfish and narcissistic? Are you afraid that others will think your priorities are all messed up? Do you shy away from taking care of yourself and spending time with yourself because you believe that taking care of others first is the better way to live life?

I think that most of us struggle with this concern, which is why I decided to dedicate this episode of Your Life Your Success to helping us realize that loving ourselves is for the best of everyone.

Here’s why:

1. Loving yourself is your right.

2. Loving yourself creates space (peace of mind) to love others.

3. Understanding yourself gives you a greater understanding of this world and humanity.

4. Loving yourself makes you kinder, happier and more balanced, which is something everyone benefits from.

5. Loving yourself makes you a great role model.

6. Loving yourself/ having respect for yourself gives you a chance to have respect/stop judging others

7. Taking care of yourself means you’re healthy and stay sane.

8. Thriving in life gives you the chance to help others thrive too.

9. Can you love others even if you don’t love yourself? I think so, yes. But I also believe that if you love yourself, you can love others so much more.

10. Remember that you are the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with, so building a relationship with that person, yourself, is only logical…

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