In this episode of Your Life Your Success, I am joined by the extraordinary and super fun Jessica of The Well-Fed Soul.

We have a lovely conversation about self-love, entrepreneurship, living life with others and so much more.

Jessica shares

  • how she decided to make life happen a couple of years ago.
  • her catalyst for change
  • her Aha Moments
  • why the world needs the unique you
  • the difference between yourself and the people you admire
  • how she makes a difference in this world
  • why she’s a serial entrepreneur
  • how she holds her life together
  • why patients goes a long way
  • her secret for living a grateful life
  • her definition of success
  • her exploration of spirituality and her spiritual practices
  • where she finds her inspiration
  • why she thinks we’re part of a movement
  • what she loves most about her life
  • how she combats self-doubt
  • her take on being flawed
  • why perfect people are boring
  • how she takes care of herself
  • why she eats Paleo
  • her secret to exercise
  • her book recommendation: Jim Rohn: Take Charge of Your Life (Affiliate Link)
  • her tip for living an authentic life
  • her personal experience with the power of clarity

Follow Jessica on Twitter and check out her Facebook Fanpage.

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You can follow me on twitter: @amindmedia

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