nisha headshot hand heart

In today’s episode of Your Life Your Success, I am joined by Nisha Moodley of

Nisha talks about her quarter-life-crisis and her disenchantment with work and life after a break-up with her boyfriend.

She shares how yoga helped her find a new level of freedom in life and at the same time made her passionate about health, nutrition and environmental sustainability. She talks about her journey of becoming a health coach, moving to NYC and finding balance at the intersection of ambition and ease.

We spend some time talking about emotional eating and how you can break free from it.

Emotional eating means having a distrust of pleasure. [Click to Tweet]

When we struggle with addictions, we feel like our desires are wrong. That’s why it’s important to amp up the pleasure and enjoyment in life altogether. It’s counterintuitive but it is always a a lack of pleasure that gets you into trouble. Finding enjoyment in mundane experiences is super important. Another thing to remember is to slow down: savor life and food. Chew more and really taste what you’re eating. Eat without distraction and make sure you tune in to the power of sisterhood.

We then talk about finding balance in life. Nisha thinks balance is dynamic and is about living while being alive. Balance always has a context. Her context is: We’re all gonna die one day and we don’t get to choose when. That’s why she makes sure she spends a lot of time with her girlfriends and feeds her body beautiful food.

She writes so beautifully because she asks herself what’s true for herself and also relevant for her readers.

She also shares how self-doubt influences her work, what her best moment in life was and  why she’s always in open dialogue with herself.

Her book recommendations:

The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy, and Weight Loss (Affiliate Link)

Jitterbug Perfume (Affiliate Link)

Nisha Moodley is a former foodaholic, shopaholic and workaholic, turned freedom junkie, who broke free from addiction and is on a mission to champion women’s freedom.  She is the founder of FIERCE FABULOUS FREE, where she takes women on incredible adventures worldwide to create a clear vision for their future, and design their lives and work to align with that vision. Download her free Take Flight Action Guide at


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