
*Today, you can win 5 copies of the book “Stand Tall & Speak From The Heart”. All you have to do is leave a comment below!

In this episode of Your Life Your Success, I am joined by Arianna Merritt, the founder of Arianna’s Random Thoughts. The focus of her work is centered around issues of: perseverance, mentoring, self-worth, body-image, and personal development.

Arianna empowers individuals to reach their full potential through finding their voices and sharing their stories.

We talk about how a realization on the beach in Hawai’i changed her life forever.

Arianna shares why she took a leap of faith and started her own coaching business and how how the beginning months of being her own boss have felt.

She talks about overcoming the fear of reaching out and asking for help, bullying and where she wants to take her coaching business.

We dig deep into the definition of success and why success has nothing to do with achieving something or attaining something, but everything with going after your dream and trusting yourself.

We also randomly talk about the depth of the ocean, why laughter is so important in life and why everyday is an “I’m a Star Today” Day for Arianna.

Her book recommendation for you: The monk who sold his Ferrari (Affiliate link)

You can connect with her on FacebookTwitter or on her website.

If you would like to leave feedback, send it to [email protected] or simply leave a comment in the comment section below.

You can follow me on twitter: @theannesophie

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