As I wrote about in my blog post “Unraveling“, I have been feeling down lately. I didn’t know why until I dug deeper and saw a few patterns that were unhealthy and kept me stuck.
I know I’m not alone with the struggle of feeling down and needing a break from life, especially during this time of the year.

That’s why I thought of a few tips and tricks to make us feel better, happier and more fulfilled.

  1.  Have an at-home Spa Day.
    Paint your nails in bright colors, pluck your eyebrows, take a long, hot bath and shave your legs, light candles and put on calming music, read a book, light incense and meditate, massage yourself or prepare your own facial mask like this Honey & Lemon Face Mask.
  2. Gather some friends for a “self-pity-part”, but don’t do it alone.
    Order pizza and drink some wine, watch a rom-com and laugh at the absurdity of it all, play a board game if you’re into that, just talk about your life and your dreams.
  3. Go for  for a walk or run.
    Moving always helps. Being outside, marveling at nature and moving your body will get your creative juices going again and it’ll put your life, your problems in perspective.
  4. Rock out to your favorite music.
    Play your favorite dance tunes, turn the music on as loud as you can and let all the frustration, the hurt, the anger and the pain go.
  5. Travel.
    If it is possible, take a trip. Get out of your city for a few days or weeks. Depending on your budget, go to an exotic, warm place or explore your “neighborhood” in a different way. You never know if you’ll end up falling in love with the area only a couple of hours from your house.
  6. Start something new.
    Plan a new project, start a new hobby, learn a new language.
    Do something that excites you and motivates you and gives you something to look forward to again.
  7. Meditate and eliminate.
    What’s causing you to feel so down? A job? A friendship? Your unhealthy way of living? Try to meditate on it and then eliminate the stress factors if possible. Or come up with creative ways how you can let go of some stress in these areas.
    For me, it was the routine that I needed to change and I needed a new challenge, so I created a new course: Write Your Way to Body Love
  8. Read “Feeling good when Life is Hard” by Marthe Hagen.
    Marthe blogs at (check her out!). I love her and her book. It’s brilliant, it’s thoughtful, it’s calming and it’ll help.
  9. Take the focus off of you and do random acts of kindness.
    For example, you can participate in Operation Beautiful and let others know how truly gorgeous they are. Donate to a cause you believe in, support an artist or a change maker or help a friend or stranger out. Pay someone a compliment or send flowers. The possibilities are endless.
  10. Remember you’re not alone.
    Shoot me an email at [email protected] and we’ll talk.

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