Your soul is a river.
Your life is an ocean.
Your heart is a door to
what is yet to come.

Your freedom is out there.
Your warmth is enticing.
Your kindness is all
there ever needs to be.

Your whole world will turn
no matter how much you yearn
to be thinner
and leaner
and lose more and more.

Your body is life.

Your divine current is here
for you to tap into
at any moment
of your choosing.

Any moment.

No, you are not restricted by limits
that you have placed upon your mind.
No, you are not confined to a number,
not defined by a food.

Your soul is a river.
Your life is an ocean.
Your heart loves harder
than you could’ve ever known.

You feel it though,
don’t you?

The lust for real life.
The desire for oneness.
One of a kind.

You are, of course,
uniquely you.

You can’t be compared.
Can’t be denied
your own perfection,
you should never have to hide.

But oh you do,
you’re scared, I know.

But everything that’s out there is yours to explore.
You ARE a person that is worthy of love.

You ARE a body that is intelligent and above
all else, it’s stardust,
a piece of everything

that ever was.

You may feel timid.
You may feel small.

Or not, since after all,
you want to shrink
into oblivion,
so nobody can judge
your thighs that give in
to gravity
and humanness.

How dare you not defy the odds?

So stupid,
all that talk of loss –

why do we need to rid ourselves of
a part of us?

Loss means sadness,
anger, pain.

Let’s stop imposing so much shame.

Instead, remember,
that you are more.

Take up the space your body needs.
Stop the cures of being disembodied.

Instead of hurting yourself,
and wanting to shrink,
grow your brilliance,
shine and wink

towards the future of your choice.

A live with a body that might stay below
the standards that society has set for crazy pain,
but you don’t need to play their game.

You can live your best life,
a fantastically great one,
with a body that’s flawed,
that belongs into this world.

Cause it’s real.

Which is all that truly counts.

You’re here!
With a soul full of dreams.
A life full of love.
A body that supports you
no matter what.

Remember that perfection
really doesn’t exist.
It’s un-human, un-real,
un-everything that is.

It’s an illusion built to tear your courage apart,
a tool to weaken your confidence
and have you live a life a far cry away
from you true potential,
your goddess power,
your birthright to design the life that you desire –
no matter what the world out there
tells you to do,
and where.

You are the world,
the love you feel,
the dreams you dream,
and everything in between.

Claim your feminine power.
Especially now,
that you know,
that your soul is a river
leading your home.


More than 70-minutes of beautiful, soul-touching, magical affirmations and explanations that will change the way you relate to your body.

Grab this inspiring audio recording now!

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