You can’t take the ocean, put it in a box
and expect it to be happy
and free.

You can’t take your soul, lock it in the dark
and expect it to be thriving
blissfully living
happily ever after.

You can’t take your life, ignore it
and expect yourself to not simply exist
but actually fulfill
what you’re here to do.

You can’t take your pain, numb it

with food
by hating on your body
with sex
with drugs
with alcohol
and expect it to stop hurting so much.

You can’t take your essence and ruin in
in the hopes of changing your destiny.

You have to release,

You have to surrender,
surrender some more
to what your soul truly wants,
to the ocean that you are,
to the power that your harness,
to the glory that’s within.

You have to allow yourself to shine,

take the stream of light that’s inside and instead of turning it down all the time,
turn it up – just once and you’ll never want to turn it around around.

You have to allow yourself to burst with love
for your body
for your life
for the person you are.

You have to allow yourself to let go
of the stories in your mind
of what you think is going to make you happy and instead
walk towards what actually makes you happy.

This might be something you’ve never ever expected,
never thought of
with your rational mind,

but the ocean inside has always known,
your soul has always been nudging you,
your heart has always been whispering in your ear,

so once you open up,
you know

and have always know, isn’t that true?

Aren’t you lying to yourself right now?
Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Aren’t you engaging in habits that are super unhealthy for your being?

Aren’t you destroying yourself
every day

regretting it,
every night,

but still unwilling to change?

Because you’re still hoping that what you’ve been doing forever
and ever
and then some

will eventually produce the result you’ve been waiting for
since you were 14?

Because you’re still expecting that the same road you’ve walk will magically turn into the heavenly bliss that you’ve believed it to lead you to?


Do you really believe it works that way?
Do you really think it’ll ever get better –

if you continue to do what you’ve always been doing?

If you continue to put yourself down?
To step into the role of the victim of your life?

Instead of deciding
and it’s got to be a firm decision
that enough is enough

that now is the time of no return
no more excuses

that now is the time to face your pain

to call your coach in tears
and agony
because you are releasing all the bullshit that you’ve been carrying around for all of your life?

And maybe you think that you aren’t strong enough
not ready
not fierce enough

to face your demons
to answer the hard question

that there’s no point in doing the work
because good things won’t happen to you anyway.

Here’s a not-so-secret secret:
that’s one of my biggest beliefs too.

So, I hear you.

Good things happen to others.
Healing happens for others.

Others can feel great in their body even if it doesn’t conform to society’s beauty ideal.
Others can live the good life,

but me?


Well, it’s not true.

It’s a huge belief,
one that can go deep, deep, deep.

But this belief doesn’t have to determine your life.

I never believed I could heal,
and voilà,
I did.

I never believed I could great pregnant –
because amazing things like that only happened to lucky people –
and I yet I have a son.

I never believed I could have a business and serve women from all over the world
and yet
I do exactly that and living my dream.

The belief that it won’t happen for you is just that
a belief;
a painful one
a limiting one
but one you can let go,
one that
if you allow it
doesn’t have to stick with you for the rest of your life.

And since you’re the ocean
living in a box

the first step is to push it open,

to breathe in all the air you’ve never allowed yourself to breathe,
to save yourself from drowning,
to realize that you’re not even in that deep
and that really, it’s all in your mind.

Give yourself time
but take bold action.

Give yourself massive love
and gentle kicks in the butt.

Give yourself challenges
that will make your heart take a leap.

Break open the doors to your ocean
with all your crazy
your mastery
your never-ending wisdom
and unleash all you’ve got.

Turn the light of your soul all the way up
and allow yourself to see for the very first time
what it actually is you want.

Take your life seriously
for god’s sake

and stop living it on the sidelines
waiting for tomorrow to get better.

No, no, no
that’s not who you are
that’s not how you want to live
that’s not what you came here for.

You are meant for more.
You are wanting to live your life in an extraordinary way,
don’t you?

Just say it already!
You are different.
You want more.

You are willing.
You want more.

You are courageous.
You want more.

You are ready.
You want more.

You are done being see-through.
You want more.

You are done being covered up to your ears.
You want more.

You want total freedom.

You want to shed all layers of pretense,
ridiculous beliefs that
once challenged
make you laugh so hard you cry.

You want to live a life according to the ocean within
that is threatening to suffer you
if you don’t change something

You are HERE.

And you are ready to live your one
amazingly magical

You are ready to realize your entire YOU.

Aren’t you?

There are still spots available for the VIP Days in Saint Tropez.

2 days.
1 unforgettable experience.
The beach (yup, you in a bathing suit!)
The food (best food in the WORLD)
The hike (oh, the nature!)
The deep transformation via coaching
The journaling
going deeper than ever before – really!
The complete attention
The knowing that you can’t get out but completely altered
The body image healing
The soul opening
The food revelations
The never-ending benefits that’ll weave themselves through your life,
your heart,
your every relationship,
and waking hour.

The complete VIP experience in one of the most luxurious places in the world.
Is this vision calling you? Send me an email at [email protected]
There are limited places available.

This August or September.
So, don’t think twice.

Say yes,
get the details and join me in creating the magic you’ve always dreamt of –
or maybe never even dared to dream at all.

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