You are not your body.
You are not your weight.
You are not your size, your clothes, the number you see on your scale.
I know you know that, right?
But do you really know?
Do you really understand?
How you are NOT the fat on your bones.
Or the abs on your belly.
Or the shiny hair on your head.
Do you really get it?
In your body?
In every inch of your skin?
You are not what you see in the mirror.
Not what you hate on so very much.
You are not your thighs that rub together when you walk.
Or the skin that’s flabby ever since you’ve lost your weight.
You are not the stretch marks that came from carrying a child.
You are not the pimples on your face.
Nor are you the double chin you believe you have.
You also are not your thigh gap.
The emaciated look on your face.
You are not the butt that is as hard as a rock.
Or the arms that are made of muscles and veins.
You are not your body.
Do you get that?
For real?
Because I still see you wishing and yearning and wanting to be thin.
To change your body.
To change your weight.
I still see you counting calories.
Running to the gym – not because you love it but because you hate your body so very much.
I still see you suffering –
wishing, dreaming, not giving up on the lifestyle that’s destroying your soul.
This is what I need to say:
Your current actions will not lead to the life you want.
Even if you lose the weight,
even if you get the abs,
even if you see your ribs,
you will still not be happy.
Because you are not your body
and your body won’t give you what you don’t have right now:
An awesome life.
If you can’t stop believing that losing weight,
toning your body,
reducing the number on the scale,
will give you money, happiness, the guy, the car, the moment of bliss when you wake up to another day,
you will not get un-stuck.
You will continue to live in hell.
This is what I need to say today:
Stop focusing on your body.
Stop being into the myths surrounding health, fat and weight.
And begin living a good, full life now.
Your perception of being fat, the agony you experience because you believe that weight is BAD, fat is THE DEVIL and being THIN is Cloud 9 is way way way worse than ANY weight you’ll ever have.
Fat being bad, weight being bad are all myths that have long been debunked.
We know they’re not the sole indicator of you living a good and long life – so why are you continuing to lie to yourself?
Why do you still count calories and hate on your food?
Why do you still want to believe that your identity needs to be the thin one?
How do you benefit from treating yourself that way?
How do you like yourself when you shame yourself that way?
How do you live when you torture yourself that way?
There’s no instant fix for being at peace with food, that’s for sure.
But you can instantly stop believing that you are your weight.
That the number on the scale shows the world who you are inside.
That others know you just because they see you.
That’s not true.
I was thin.
I was SO thin.
And yes, people saw my thinness, my frail body.
What they didn’t see (or maybe they did) was my sadness, my pain, my open wounds that were growing bigger and more painful every day.
They didn’t know me even if they admire me for my willpower and control.
I thought I was my body.
I thought I was my thinness.
I truly believed, no KNEW in my heart that being thin was all I could do, all I would ever achieve.
And look at me know: I was wrong.
And so are you.
No matter the internal pressure, no matter the light at the end of the tunnel that losing weight seems to be, you won’t get what you desire from the body that you’re not.
What will it take for you to put the boxing gloves down and finally start making peace with who you are?
What will it take for you to stop forcing your body into a size 4 when really it’s a size 12?
Would you do that with your feet?
Then why are you expecting your body to do the impossible?
Just so you can what? Gloat? Be happy? Be at peace?
Which you won’t.
So, this is what I need to say today:
You are more than your body.
You are the sunlight in your eyes.
The magic in your belly.
The golden light rushing through your veins.
You are the purple spark in the night.
The wave of the ocean.
The power of your heart.
You are the soulmate to the guy who’s been looking for you all of his life.
You are the first kiss with the man of your dreams.
You are the light of the world
glowing in the dark and shining throughout time.
You are the work of art of the universe that’s always been
the centerpiece of everything there is.
You are the joy in a child’s day
and the freedom of your soul.
You are not your weight.
You are not your skin.
You are the one who’s waiting inside for you to finally break through the bullshit of lies that keep you imprisoned in your own mind.
You are the one who’s never been
a body
a size
a number in your mind.
You are YOU.
What more could you want?
Ready to FINALLY change your life?
Book a coaching call and stop living in diet prison once and for all. Now’s your time.