A BIIIIG part of healing your relationship with food and your body – no matter where you are on the spectrum of weight – is your WILLINGNESS to change.

You WILL NOT – and I repeat WILL NOT – change if you stomp with your feet and yell and scream that the way you’ve been doing things SHOULD work – even if evidence shows it hasn’t been working for all of your life.

As Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

It will not work.

And if you are not WILLING to shake up your beliefs, if you are not open to seeing things differently, to imagine that other methods will work for you – even if they don’t make sense to you in this moment – you will not heal.

I’m not saying this to take away your hope, but to open a door for you to look critically at yourself and your approach to healing.

Here are a few questions that might help you gain clarity and take the necessary steps:

  1. Do you really want it?
  2. Really? Or is your victim story more important to you?
  3. Are you still trying to find reasons as of why the HAES/ escape diet prison approach isn’t working?
  4. Are you actively seeking proof as to why you NEED to hold on to what hasn’t work for you in the past to make a point? To proof something?
  5. Why is it so important to you that your old way of thinking, of being – the way that is NOT working for you – needs to work?
  6. What do you gain from holding on to the beliefs that keep you stuck?
  7. What are you hiding from yourself and where do you need to step into your grown-up self in order to resolve the issue?
  8. Are you allowing others to help you or are you using other people’s stories and successes as a way to hold on to your own beliefs – again, the beliefs that definitely do not work for you – even stronger?
  9. Are you willing to see things differently?
  10. Are you willing to do what it takes?

You will not wake up one morning and suddenly see the world with new eyes without actually having done the work. And if you feel like you’re running against walls doing it by yourself, hire a coach, work with me, we’ll get you out of your vicious cycle – but only if you are WILLING to be helped and to heal.

If not, nothing will change. Ever.

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