I hate to break it to you but you are NOT the exception.
However much you’d like it to be that way.
Because, hey, we all want to be the exception, don’t we?
We want to be special – and you are.
We want to be unique – and you are.
We want to be golden – and you are.
But you are not the exception that proves the rule.
Instead, you ARE the rule.
You’ve been THE RULE since you started dieting, cheating on and hurting your body.
You’ve been THE RULE since you started exercising for more than an hour a day (but who are we kidding, an hour is NOTHING for you, is it?) without ever listening to what your body needs.
You’ve been THE RULE since you started thinking that your body is wrong.
What’s the rule, you ask?
The rule is that if restrict, you binge.
Which means that if you stop restricting, you’ll stop bingeing.
Simple as that.
Or more complex.
However you like it.
However you want it, really.
Of course, there’s emotional work to be done.
Of course, there’s commitment to be had.
Of course, it will not happen overnight.
But if you stop restricting, emotionally and physically, you’ll stop bingeing.
There really is no other way.
Once you begin to heal the part of you that NEEDS to be THIN in order to feel worthy and pretend she’s happy, you’ll begin to heal the part of you that needs a proper binge to get the nutrition, the nourishment, she needs.
Once you begin to let go of exercising as a means of controlling your weight, you’ll stop being so hungry you need to eat the entire content of your fridge.
Once you actually DO let go of it ALL, your body will have no need to make you eat out of control.
Once you learn how to question your thoughts and not be a victim to your every emotion, your binges will fade into the background as you’ll learn to give yourself what you need.
However, as long as you hold on to a certain weight, shape and size of your body – a weight, shape and size that isn’t natural to you -, none of it will change.
You’ll continue to binge.
You’ll continue to feel out of control.
You’ll continue to feel the need to restrict.
And you, my love, are NOT the exception.
Even if your ego tells you you are.
If you still binge, you haven’t let go of the need to be thin.
If you still binge, you haven’t let go of controlling your hunger.
If you still binge, you haven’t gotten to a place of emotional awareness.
If you still binge, you have a ways to go –
because if you still binge, there’s more healing to do.
Your relationship with your body and with food can change!
You might be thinking that your situation is hopeless, that you’ll always have to fight your body, log calories, exercise your body to the ground, stay hungry and unsatisfied.
You might be thinking that you’re the exception, that you’re different than those who did break free.
However, those thoughts aren’t true.
Your relationship with food and your body can change. It will change if you take the right steps, if you learn the right skills and if you transform your mindset – lovingly, of course.
It might not happen overnight, but it can happen for sure.
Join me in the Body-Love Wellness Circles and create a new life for yourself: annesophie.us/bodylovecircles