By now, you might have heard that I’m participating in the Great World Race—seven marathons on seven continents in seven days. It sounds extreme, right? People might wonder why someone would push themselves like that. But for me, this isn’t just about running. This is about life. It’s about hope. It’s about strength. And most importantly, it’s about showing what’s possible when we stop letting our struggles define us and start using them to fuel us.

Running for Something Bigger

I run to show my son—and every child watching—that single moms can do anything. Life throws challenges at us every day, but we don’t have to be limited by them. Whether it’s juggling work and kids, battling depression, or overcoming an eating disorder, we can rise above it all. Every step I take is a reminder that our bodies aren’t enemies to be hated or controlled. They’re vessels that carry us through our journeys, and they deserve our love and respect—not once we’ve “earned” it, but right now, just as they are.

For years, I thought I needed to be thinner, fitter, or more “perfect” to be worthy of love and respect. But I’ve learned that true healing comes from embracing where you are, not waiting for some magical transformation. I run to honor that journey and to show that life after anorexia, depression, or any other struggle can be vibrant and full of joy.

I Run for Hope

Every mile I run is a statement: our struggles don’t limit us. They can actually push us to be stronger than we ever imagined. For everyone out there who feels trapped in their challenges—whether it’s mental illness, body image issues, or the weight of single parenthood—I’m here to say that it’s not the end. Our struggles don’t define us; they fuel us.

When I run, I don’t do it to escape the pain or difficulties of life. I do it to face them head-on. Each run is a reminder that we’re capable of more than we think. I run to feel powerful, to remind myself that everything is possible if we’re willing to keep moving forward.

Running as a Form of Respect

Respecting your body is something that can feel almost revolutionary in a world that constantly tells us to change it. I used to think I needed to be different before I could feel at peace with myself, but running has taught me that I’m already enough. Our bodies are holy ground, and they deserve love and care, no matter where we are on our journey​​.

So, why do I keep pushing myself? I run because I want to show that our bodies are not obstacles to overcome but powerful partners in our healing. I run to prove that no matter how tough things get, there’s always hope on the other side.

What Are You Running Toward?

This isn’t just my journey—it’s for everyone who’s felt the weight of their struggles and wondered if they could ever rise again. I’m running for you. Whether you’re fighting an eating disorder, managing depression, navigating single parenthood, or just feeling stuck, know this: you’re not alone, and you’re capable of so much more than you think.

What are you running toward? What challenge are you ready to face head-on, knowing that you have the strength to rise above it?

Join Me on This Journey

Let’s run together—whether literally or metaphorically—toward hope, toward strength, and toward a future where our challenges don’t limit us. Our struggles aren’t the end of the road; they’re the fuel that powers us forward.

Let’s inspire each other to keep going, even when it’s tough. Share your story with me in the comments. What are you running toward, and how can we support each other along the way?

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