#breeze (Post 2/3)
We’ve all been her at times, haven’t we?
We’ve all been at the point where we just couldn’t take life anymore, where everything felt too heavy, too much and where we knew that just one more “thing”, whatever that “thing” might be, would break us, have us sit in the middle of our living room and cry tears of exhaustion, sadness and overwhelm.
I’ve been there. And I know I’m not alone.
Sometimes life feels hard. Really hard.
This feeling has been present in many of my clients’ lives in the past few weeks.
It goes far beyond body image and weight.
It’s a feeling of despair that just. doesn’t. go. away.
It’s a feeling that overrides all of your dreams of healing, of rising, of stepping into that most powerful version of yourself that you’re so determined to be.
Maybe it’s a feeling that’s been taking over your body, mind and soul, too.
Maybe you’re so overwhelmed with life, so stuck with what “is” that you can’t see your path to “more” anymore.
Maybe it’s time to let the Summer breezes into your life. To air out your dark and heavy thoughts.
To blow out the fog and open up energy, space and life force again.
Maybe you’re ready to let go of the ‘yuck” and move back into action. To start moving forward and living boldly without focusing on the barriers that are present in your own mind.
Maybe – who are you kidding, definitely – you’re so ready to bring light and air to these dark recesses of your neurology.
🌬You’re ready to throw open the windows, let the breeze blow through and finally feel lighter, relieved of all this emotional pain.
You’re ready for some FUN, aren’t you?
Can you even remember fun?
I know that when I was in the dark, I was just going through the motions and there was no fun. Everything was so still and I needed to let it flow.
💆♀️Join me for a 5-week emotional cleanse that’ll make you feel lighter, happier, more peaceful and alive.
Details coming tomorrow!
❣️Can’t wait for tomorrow? Let me know by dropping an emoji representing insane amounts of fun (or at least a LITTLE bit of it) in the comments below and you’ll get advance notice of what I’ll share tomorrow.