In this podcast, Anne-Sophie Reinhardt will share applicable advice to get you back to a place of harmony with your body, weight and food. You can look forward to discussions about emotional eating, binge eating, health, toxic beliefs, destructive habits, body image, self-love, freedom from obsession, normal eating, life beyond diets and so much more.
This podcast is for you if you’re ready to challenge yourself, deconstruct old beliefs, open yourself to new realities and take action to blow open the walls you’ve built around yourself.
This is a great time for us women: it’s the time when we can finally claim our bodies as our own without shame, without blame, without guilt.
Download the episodes here or listen to them on iTunes and Stitcher!
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Let your instincts run the show with Isabel Foxen Duke
Isabel Foxen Duke is back on the podcast! Isabel is a world renowned expert in emotional eating, binge eating and chronic-diet recovery. Having worked with thousands of women in her coaching practice and online programs over the past decade, Isabel’s proven that...
Continued Coaching, Triggers and Realizing your Potential
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I talk about follow-up care and staying in a healthy place throughout recovery from your food and body image issues and beyond. I strongly believe in having a structure of "care" even if you've been in recovery for a...
Why just “thinking” about eating healthy may make you binge
When you are devoted to escape diet prison and you've been on this path for a while, there may come the day you feel like "now's the time to eat healthy again". Or maybe you just heard something a friend said and you felt pressured to "go back to eating healthy...
Navigating Thanksgiving without Food, Weight & Family Drama
How will I deal with all of the food? What will my family think of my body? Can I indulge in the yummy food or will everyone judge me? What if I eat too much and can never lose the weight? How can I prevent all the bingeing that I've done in the past? What if I...
How to Cultivate Self-Intimacy & Let Go of Body Image Struggles
Getting to know yourself. Being who you are without apology, without fear, without shame. Taking a stand for yourself and knowing - without a shadow of a doubt - that you deserve to be respected, seen, take up space. Waking up in the morning realizing yet again that...
7 Steps to Honor Your Need to Cocoon
There are times in life - in ALL lives, I'd guess - where we have this deep inner call for rest, quiet and cozy warmness. This need may arise (seemingly) out of nowhere, it may be the result of working too hard for too long, it may be the culmination of an emotionally...
{REPLAY} Dieting & Health & Why Diets Aren’t Harmless
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb and I talk about dieting, health and disease. We share scientifically backed details about the reasons diets may be harmful and how you can begin to unchain yourself from the beliefs that you've been fed all of...
“Bloating is something your body does FOR you” with Colleen Reichmann
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Colleen Reichmann. Colleen is a licensed clinical psychologist in Philadelphia, PA. She specializes in eating disorders and body image issues. She has also done a lot of work with folks struggling...
“Intuitive Eating is NOT about Dieting or Weight Loss” with Evelyn Tribole
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I am excited to be joined by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD. Evelyn is an award-winning registered dietitian, with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California. She has written nine books including the...
[REPLAY] What is Normal Eating?
When you are finally ready to stop dieting, bingeing, restricting, overeating, freaking out, crying, shaming, you create the space for normal eating to occur. But what does it mean to eat normally? How do you feel when you eat normally? Do you still...
{Replay} What if you didn’t weigh yourself?
What if you didn't weigh yourself? How would you feel?How would you live your life?How would you determine your worthiness and the level of your happiness?What would you DO in the morning after waking up? We give scales soooo much power and influence over every...
{Replay} Fall Closet Cleaning without Having a Weight-Related Meltdown
It's about that time of the season to go through your closet, ditch the summer clothes and put your favorite sweaters back in the first row. Cleaning out your closet can be super challenging when you're struggling with your body anyway - the mark of a new season often...