Be honest, love,
is this really the life you’ve been dreaming of?
Or are you still waiting
for a magical new thought that pulls you out of your body hatred hole?
Is this really the life you’ve been wanting all along?
Or are you still waiting
for Prince Charming and rescue you from your diet prison?
Is this really the life the deepest parts of you desire?
Or are you still waiting
effin’ waiting
for someone to give you permission to simple eat when you’re hungry – no matter what the current diet rules say?
Are you ready to live the life you know you are capable of living but are too scared to take that first step?
That step that only YOU can take.
Because, love, of course you’re the only one who can change your world, rock your boat and get you out of your current dieting misery.
You’re the only one who can shift your awareness, break through those painful moments and finally make the decision to STOP waiting
for something to happen
and instead start taking ACTION, so that that something actually DOES happen, DOES show up in the real world, DOES some day – almost magically – appear.
You have to find that courage, that courage that you’ve got – of course you do and you know you do, don’t you, say “screw it” and just “go for it”.
And yes, it’s scary to move forward, to take those first gentle steps, to break the habits and to face your fears,
but if you don’t
if you don’t, my love,
you’ll still be waiting a year from now
and a year from then
and another year
and another
until there’s not even another day left for you to wait.
Now’s the time to turn it around.
Now’s the time to
- focus on what your body is capable of instead of focusing on how much more you can reduce her
- step out of your comfort zone and instead of waiting to eat until you’ve reached the “perfect” time, just eat that goddamn sandwich now
- climb up from your personal bottom one breath at a time
- stop believing in the concept of “earning your food” before you’re allowed to eat
- stop believing in forbidden food
- use your disordered eating as an excuse not to go out and live your real dreams
- stop being afraid of feeling better, of totally owning your life.
Now’s the time to stop holding on to your thin privilege,
your phantasy of losing the weight once and for all,
your desire to cut off parts of your body.
Is it really worth keeping your thin privilege if it keeps you hungry, miserable, without energy and incapable of thinking straight?
Is it really worth holding on to your weight loss phantasy if it’s giving you hunger pangs, keeping you in a horrific mood, lonely and bitter?
Is it really worth holding on to your dream of cutting off parts of your body if, well, what does it give you really?
Is the illusion really better than the reality?
The reality that might mean you living in a larger body but actually having energy,
going out with friends,
laughing with your whole body,
smiling from ear to ear,
being fully confident in who you are
and allowing your body to live freely with joy and pleasure?
The reality where pleasure isn’t forbidden and is instead a wonderful part of your oh-so-short life?
The reality where you aren’t denying yourself the RIGHT to be who you were meant to be?
The reality where you can feel the PEACE of being YOU, totally, unshakably, radically.
Does the waiting that you’re currently engaging in really trump real, actual life?
Or wouldn’t you rather be one of those people who know that they’ve lived their dreams, had their adventures, failed and got back up again, but never went to bed hungry because they were waiting for their next meal prescribed by the latest diet?
Wouldn’t you rather be in love with life instead of wishing your days to be shorter, so that the next meal might arrive sooner?
Wouldn’t you rather be proud of your body in all her magnificence instead of wanting to destroy every part of her?
Wouldn’t you rather stop waiting?
So, stop.
And do something.
Anything that will move you towards more respect for your body, your weight and your entire self.
Sign up for the Body-Love Wellness Circles if you’re serious about leaving your body image struggles behind in order to finally, truly, live the life that you are actually yearning for!
What are the Body-Love Wellness Circles?
The Body-Love Wellness Circles is a 6-month immersion into the power of loving your body.
The Circles will be focused around transforming the relationship you have or may not have with your body.
In my work I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know hundreds of women who are completely disconnected from their bodies. A simple body scan is often already way too overwhelming for them.
This is a result of our culture and chances are that you are affected by this too.
We’re going to change that in the months ahead. The Body-Love Wellness Circles will help you to begin listening to your body, reconnect with your body and change the way you see your body – in a very gentle, loving way.
We’re going to change the conversation from one of abusing your body to embracing your body – in a real way.