Hey there,
it’s me,
your body.

Remember me?
The “thing” you hate so much?
The “thing” that is attached to your head?
The head, you worship as much as you despise the sight of me?

Well, it’s me.
And today
I am here to tell you something.

I am here to tell you that no matter what,
I am yours.

I am here to tell you that no matter how much you may try to shape and form me,
I am not going away.

I am by your side.
I carry your secrets.
I know your values.

I am your heart.

Without me,
you’ll lose it all.

Without me,
you can’t be,
won’t be,
aren’t here.

But, my love, where are you?
Where’s the love we once shared?
Where’s the friendship that we are meant to have?

I feel like I am chasing you
and you
are doing everything you can to
push me
push me
far away.

You are running
and I can’t catch up.

You are running
and I can’t understand
why you wouldn’t want to enjoy life with me by your side.

Why you are trying to do it on your own,
convinced that I am your enemy?

in truth
I am your most devoted friend.
I am your ally,
your partner in crime.

I am you.

Don’t you understand?
Don’t you see?

We don’t need to be enemies.
We can be one, should be on the same side.

But, love,
I cannot be your everything if you won’t stop starving me,
won’t stop hurting me,
won’t stop trying to kill my spirit,
my energy,
my me.

If you lose me,
you lose it all.

Don’t you understand?
I am not here to be destroyed.
I am here to be strong

And I can’t be any of that
can’t reach my highest potential
if you keep on denying us our basic needs.

If you don’t take care of us,
don’t help me out here.

Why do you hurt me so much by exercising for hours
until my knees hurt, my brain stops being able to think,
my stomach feeling nauseous and upset?

Why do you keep me so weak by not eating,
by constantly dieting,
keeping important nutrients from entering my system,
our lifeline?

Why do you keep me tired
by staying up too late
and getting up too early?

Why do you keep me so busy?
So scared?
So damn unhappy?

Why do you keep us apart?

Instead of allowing us to live in tune,
walking in the same direction
instead of always being in a fight?

What are you scared of, my love?
What are you trying to achieve by keeping me small?

I’m sorry I hurt you by not being naturally small.
I’m sorry I denied you the luxury of being a natural size 0.
I’m sorry I wasn’t built the way the photoshopped models in the magazines are being portrayed.
I’m sorry I am different.

But really, I am not.
Because it wouldn’t be me.
Wouldn’t be us.

I want you to be happy, I really do.
But I can’t give you what you think you desire,
not like this.

Sweetheart, we’re not meant to be a sick size 0.
We are meant to shine, to be US.

Don’t you see?
How much we’re losing?

Don’t you feel exhausted by the fight?
Don’t you just want to be?

It could be so easy.
It could be so much fun.

We don’t have to live our lives this way.
We can be one.
Don’t you want to be free
with me?

Dear you,
it’s me,
your body.

And I am here to reach out a hand,
I am here to take you with me,
to run towards a future that is actually worth living.

Let’s dive in,
let’s allow ourselves to be full,
feel alive,
dance until we drop,
eat the ice-cream,
take the pause,
do the pillow fights
and simply

live this wondrous life in the most FUN way we can.

Aren’t you ready?
Aren’t you done with all the shame?
The blame?
The guilt?

Aren’t you excited to be IN LOVE with this adventure called life?
Aren’t you curious about what’s out there beyond dieting?
Aren’t you dying to know what else we could do besides spending hours upon hours at the gym?
Aren’t you just burning to get out there and conquer the world?

I believe you are.
I know it.
After all,
I am the keeper of your secrets,
the chaser of your biggest dreams,
the lover of your life.

After all,
we are one.


No matter how much you try.
You won’t get rid of me.
Can’t shut me out.

It’s time to break the food rules you live by.
It’s time to take the risk to eat what we want when we want
and say no to fear, shame and guilt.

It’s time to embrace this one beautiful life we were given.
It’s time you begin to embrace me, don’t you think?

I am here.
Ready to take you back in.
Ready to walk this path with you.
Ready to enjoy the heck out of the time we get to spend on this earth.

I am here, my love.
And even if you don’t feel ready,
I feel it’s time for you to come and join me.

Come take my hand.
I am your friend.
I will never let you go.
I will never leave you alone.
I will never let you suffer alone.

I am committed to a life liberated from the need to be thin.
I am committed for you and me to be free.

Together we can do this.



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