Only you can change it.
Only you can do the work.
Only you can take the leap.
Only you can reap the rewards.
Only you.
Only you have the power to take the steps.
Only you have the ability to say no more.
Only you have the authority over your own life.
Only you.
Only you can stop listening to the naysayers.
Only you can stop engaging with the bullies.
Only you can take charge of your life.
Only you.
Only you can learn to love your body.
Only you finally begin to respect the skin your in.
Only you stop living in shame, fear and guilt.
Only you.
Only you can turn it all around
and move into the direction of your dreams.
Only you can take the leap
and let go of all the stuff you no longer need.
Only you even know what it is you need to you.
Because only you
are you.
Sure, it’d be great if Prince Charming was right around the corner
saving you from all of your pain.
Sure, it’d be great if you woke up one day,
no more fear of food
no more fear of fat
no more pain.
Sure it’d be great if all your issues
would magically resolve.
But they won’t.
Because they’re yours.
And only you have the power to do what’s right
for your life
your body
your relationship to food and soul.
Only you know what to do.
You can ask for advice.
You can ask for guidance.
You can reach out for help.
But in the end,
it’s your decision to make.
Your steps to take.
Your battles to drop.
Your healing to begin.
Your love to love
and live to life.
Only you have the power
to be yourself.
Only you determine who you love
who you spend your time
Only you define your success
and map out your dreams
Only you give power to actions
that were born in your sleep
Only you
… are you.
So, stop waiting for others to save you.
To take away the pain.
Stop blaming others for not facing the same struggles you are,
the same insecurities inside.
Stop looking at others
and start healing from within.
That’s where the magic begins.
As only you are the magician in your own life.
No guy
No coach
No therapist
No baby
No mother
No grandpa
can give you what you are needing inside.
only you
can heal you.
Only you know what you need anyway.
Only you know your thoughts
your every action
your every belief.
Only you
knows you.
Every day in every way
when you deny yourself the right to be yourself
when you allow others to put you down
you hurt yourself
you hurt this world.
Every day in every way
you have the chance
the opportunity
the duty
and pleasure
to step into the true you –
the one who is going to move mountains
change lives
go to the core of everything that’s ever been.
And every day in every way
you have the choice
to go where you want to go
Although, really,
it’s not a choice.
It’s an instinct –
based on survival
based on fear.
But do you really want to survive
or are you ready to thrive?
To be
the only you
that ever was
ever is
ever will be?
And yes, every day in every way
you will know which direction you chose –
you will know
as your heart keeps tagging at you
as your soul screams for more
as your eyes slowly lose their glimmer
the light they’re meant to direct
towards everything you’ll ever see.
And yes, every day in every way
you’ll know
as you know now
what you want
what you do
and how those two align.
And I’ll say it again-
only you
yes you
can change your life.
Only you
yes you
can move beyond your comfort zone
and jump into the fair tale you never believed existes
but deep down always knew it did –
just not for you.
Well, guess what,
you’re keeping yourself from living the fairy tale,
the freedom,
the divine magnificence.
You are the one
who can be bold
who can be fierce
who can be the one you’ve been dreaming of.
Because you
my love
are you.
And only you knows how to do it.
Only you knows where to begin.
What to heal.
How to let go.
Whom to forgive.
Only you can do the work
the necessary soul search
to your very best life.
Only you can burn through your limiting beliefs
your most toxic thoughts
to get your ever-loving fearless core.
Only you can learn to eat in balance.
Only you can learn to love your body.
Only you can begin to let go of overeating, bingening, restricting, dieting.
Only you can change it.
Only you can do the work.
Only you can take the leap.
Only you can reap the rewards.
But you won’t be alone.
You are not alone.
There’s a tribe ready to support you
to guide you
to cradle you
while you do the work of your lifetime.
Only you can do it
but you don’t have to do it alone.
Give yourself the Gift of Loving Your Body And Living the Life of Your Dreams…
I have two spaces available for a brand new program. With me. And you. 1-1. Intimate. Tight. Intense.
No bullshit.
Is your soul nudging you that it’s time?
Are you ready to walk away from the shame that is ruining your life?
PM me on Facebook or book a convo here and we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.