Most of us believe that if only we’d be strong enough, had more willpower, would be more disciplined, we’d lose the weight we’ve wanted to lose all of our lives and keep it off.
We believe in our hearts that we can force our bodies into a certain shape and size – by being strong, by being strict.
We believe – because we’re being told by everyone – that we have to use strength and force in order to overcome our body’s natural appetite, which will never be healthy.
The thing is though:
It takes a strong and brave woman to rebel against the daily onslaught of messages telling us that we are never ever good enough, thin enough, pretty enough.
It takes a lot of resilience to be proud of the body you were naturally born to have without constantly feeling shame and fear for not looking the way every other woman wants to look.
Our bodies are naturally wise.
They are strong.
They are fierce.
They know what they want, what they need to thrive. They know when they need to eat and how much. They can totally handle the daily pleasures in your lifestyle. They can do so so much for us.
But us?
All we do is think we’re smarter than our bodies.
We think we can outthink them by counting calories, by adding points.
We believe that we’re better, stronger, more intelligent than the body that keeps us alive.
How arrogant we are, no?
The moment you surrender to your body, that’s the moment you begin to become truly strong.
That’s the moment you can tap into your intuition,
ask your body for guidance,
really feel into your power.
The moment you surrender your fears, your plans, your goals to your body, your life begins to turn around.
Or upside down.
But you’ll be the force you always were deep inside.
If you wanted, if you realized how powerful your body really is, you’d never turn your back on her again.
But you did – you do – every day in every way.
By dieting.
By skipping meals to “save calories”.
By overexercising.
By bashing your body whenever you look in the mirror.
That’s not strength.
That’s the behavior of a bully.
And I know you are NOT.
Not deep inside anyway.
You may be scared of what might happen once you stopped dieting or wanting to be thin or using force and shame to shape your body.
You might be terrified of losing control, of “pigging out”, of gaining weight.
You might be afraid of being judged, of not being loved, of being less than.
And that’s OK, but you know, or do you, that this is not the truth. That it won’t happen and that it doesn’t matter anyway?
For those who judge you are not your people.
Those who hurt you, are not your sisterhood.
Those who hurt you, do not belong into your life.
Strength doesn’t come from having a super lean and toned body.
Strength comes from living with your body.
From being in a beautiful connection with your body.
From being aligned with your body’s natural wisdom and desires.
Strength comes from within, never from without.
Where’s your focus on these days?
On the inside or what you see when you look through your (brainwashed) eyes?
My birthday month is HEEEEEERE.
That means that I have a couple super awesome Birthday Specials available until August 15th!
DEAL #1 is my very special Self-Love Bundle including the following:
– Finally Free – Guided Meditations To Freedom From Emotional Eating *digital album*
– Transition out of your dieting lifestyle *audio lecture*
– Body Image & Sexuality *audio lecture*
– How can I finally stop wanting to be thin at all costs *audio lecture*
– When Fat Stops Being Fat eBook
And since this was a bundle you loved so much, I am offering it with a 33% Birthday Discount for only $19!
It’ll only be available at this price until August 15th.
So, grab your bundle now and enjoy your August transformation.
—–> —–> —–>
DEAL #2 is my Make Eating Fun Again eCourse!
Make Eating Fun Again is a 12-day email course featuring expert secrets, tips and tools to help you slow down, tune into your body and its unique signals and create fun rituals that will make eating your new (old) favorite thing to do.
Until August 15th, you’ll get it for only $23,99!
—–> —–> —–> Grab it here: