Here it is.
Day 365 of 2017.

Another year comes to an end.

365 sunrises.
365 joyous moments of drifting off to sleep.
365 chapters, opportunities we got to experience.

365 times we opened our eyes and said YES (sometimes more or less enthusiastically) to whatever the day had to offer.

Time to reflect on what happened and how we all changed, isn’t it?

Here’s my top 10 of 2017:

1. Johann (of course): he’s my joy, my love, my heart, my soul, my all. He brings so much bliss to this family and world. He’s a sunshine, witty, smart, slightly insane, fun and loving. I love our “conversations”. I love how he sees the world. I love how excited he gets about the smallest things. I love how much he loooooves dressing up, being batman, Spiderman, wearing costumes to daycare on random days. I love how well he’s adjusted to Kindergarten and how he’s connecting with others.

Motherhood has definitely changed this year; getting more challenging as he’s being more articulate, developing his own will and trying to push his boundaries more and more. I’m learning every day, hoping to do right by him.

And successss: He’s been potty trained this year!!!

2. Our trips: Saint Tropez (3 times this year), Greece, Canada.
It’s been a rather slow year when it comes to traveling compared to the years before, but those trips were truly special.

3. Seeing Byron Katie in Zurich.
Saved. My. Sanity. when I needed support the most.

4. Paragliding. Never thought I’d do it and it was one of the most fun and inspiring things I ever did.

5. Getting a tattoo. I finally made that dream come true and I am thrilled with it.

6. Another dream coming true: our baby cat. She’s super curious and full of cuteness. The family is collectively in love.

7. Receiving an incredible birthday present; one that I could’ve never dreamt of, imagined or predicated. It’s one that I’ll cherish forever and ever; a gift, for which I’ll never be able to adequately express my gratitude.

8. Reading more. Having eBooks on my Kindle/iPhone has definitely reduced the time I spend on Facebook, randomly scrolling down my timeline looking for a spike… I’ve read so many brilliant books this year; Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Russell Brand, tons of Psychology books, Viktor Frankl, David Deida, Byron Katie, a biography about the Queen, Louise Hay… How could I ever not read a book a week? 😉

9. Going back to my Kundalini Yoga class. It felt like coming home.

10. The fact that I thrived. There were moments when my heart was so broken that I thought I couldn’t continue. There were times when I was so hopeless, felt so betrayed, hurt and demeaned that I couldn’t breathe.

And yet, as you do, you get up every morning, take a deep breath, put a smile on your face and you move on – while investigating your beliefs, letting go of A LOT of crap, healing your wounds and getting the support you need. Being a mother has made this part easier to. There’s just no other way than to show up – you can only lie in bed bawling for so long when there’s a 3-year old waiting to be picked up from daycare.


Quite honestly, I’m not sure yet whether this was a positive year or not. But, can we really judge a year as positive or, well, negative? I don’t think so. Not really.

Things happen, you make experiences, you trust, you leap, you fail, you move on, you succeed, you try new things, you meet people, you fall in love, you create space, you take action and life moves on – no matter what.

2017 has been a year of rich, deep emotional events that have led me closer to myself and have allowed me to make better, braver, more aligned decisions for Johann and I. I’m not sure I’m out of the woods yet when it comes to what I need to learn to stand in bold magnificence but I am well on my way out of whatever storm I’m in.

I hope you can make peace with your 2017 – whatever it brought you, whatever it took away, whatever happened and didn’t happen for you.

2018 brings more opportunities. The slate won’t be wiped clean tomorrow morning. You will not be able to begin anew. No.

You will be able to build a whole new year on top of what you’ve experienced in the past. You’ll be able to change direction based on what you’ve learned. You’ll be able to get closer to yourself, applying everything you’ve uncovered so far.


Thank you, Deb, for being my partner in crime, for being there podcasting with me throughout this year. It’s been so so so fun and deeply inspiring to work with you. You’re the BEST!

Thank you for every single one of you who allowed me to be part of your life, to hold space for you when you needed it, to kick your butt when you were standing in your own way, to lovingly guide you to self-exploration and to laugh together until we cried tears of joy. I got to work with exceptional clients this year and I am honored – always – that we connected and worked together. <3

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy, joyous, blissful New Year!


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