Here’s a brutal truth, one that I’ve been shying away from sharing forever.
It’s one that I haven’t seen myself for ages.
It’s a truth, that when you acknowledge, get, feel and honor will change your relationship to yourself and your life in ways you are dreaming of right this very moment.
It’s a truth that cannot be denied, no matter how very much you want to.
And before you get triggered, shake your head, swear and walk away, hear me out. Open yourself up and just let it sink in.
Well, before I share what I want to say, let me tell you how it all started.
I’ve been doing this work for 9 years now. I’ve been talking with hundreds of women about their relationship with food, their bodies, their partners, themselves and their lives.
I’ve been hearing one horrendous story after the other of how very much our invisible self-esteem can change the course of our lives, can derail our dreams, cost us relationships and make us exist on the sidelines.
I’ve heard one woman after the other claim that they really do want nothing more than a true connection with themselves. They swear they would do anything to let go of their constant self-shaming and guilt-tripping. They repeat over and over and over again how very much they cannot continue existing like this and how they are ready to change the course of their lives.
And then, they don’t.
Not because they’re scared of the road ahead.
Not because of the different habits they’d be able to create.
Not because of the things/people/regrets they’d be letting go of.
Nope, they don’t transform their lives and their relationship to Self because they aren’t willing to invest in themselves.
The moment that money is involved, it’s a done deal. They aren’t going to do it.
Do you do that too?
It’s not that they don’t have the money. If we want something bad enough, we create the money. I’ve done it many, many, many times and so have those clients who were willing to go all in.
If we can’t not have something, we find the money. That’s a truth too.
But that isn’t the reason why most women don’t invest in finding their sense of self-love and self-worth.
Nope, they (you?) don’t invest in their mental health, in creating freedom from co-dependency and destructive self-beliefs because our society has taught us that us taking genuine care of ourselves worth way less than our money.
Our society has taught us that if we don’t invest in weight loss or gym memberships or maaaybe yoga courses, we aren’t allowed to invest in ourselves at all. It’s either fight our body to get thin or use the money for quick fixes and other tools that do not work.
We as women are only allowed to invest in getting smaller, taking up less space, making ourselves prettier and more pleasing to a society that has destroyed women for centuries.
We as women cannot take empowered action unless it is for our appearance.
Everything else is just not justified.
And while initially I was super frustrated with women who came to me claiming that they’d be ready to do anything and then tell me that no way were they going to pay for coaching, I now get it.
And it pains me to see it.
It breaks my heart that this is how we women treat ourselves.
It infuriates me that patriarchy still has its claws in our minds and pulls its strings in our lives.
AND there’s a different way. There is a way out of thinking and feeling this way. There is a way out of believing that you are so unworthy that learning how to speak up for yourself in relationships or getting that promotion you’ve always wanted just doesn’t matter that much.
There is a way for you to understand that hell yes you deserve to invest time and money in creating the life of your dreams, in breaking the chains that your severe insecurities have on your life, in overcoming the fears of staying single or being a bad, bad mom.
First, you have to understand that the big corporations that have tremendous advertising budgets, brainwash you every second of every day.
You see hundreds of ads in your daily life and those ads influence you more than you probably care to admit.
You unconsciously want to spend more money on beauty products than on tools and strategies that will heal your life because that is what has been ingrained in you for all of your life.
It’s time to acknowledge this truth and then take empowered action to get out of victim mode, which corporate patriarchy has put you in.
It’s time to investigate your beliefs about beauty, self-worth and your own power and see where your insecurities and objections to creating a true connection with your body, nature and Source really are coming from.
It’s time for you to free yourself from the ties that the beauty, pharma and fashion industries still have on you.
How do you do that?
You admit that you have bought into their lies.
You admit that you still believe that you are unworthy of being invested in.
You admit that it’s scary.
You admit that there is a big part of you that feels guilty for desiring to invest money in mental health and deep life healing.
You imagine what it would be like to take empowered action towards freedom and how you would not only transform your own life but also the lives of hundreds of women around you. The ripple effect is REAL.
You realize that by healing your relationship with your Self, your body and your soul, you are creating space for more money to come into your life than ever before (which is not the point of healing, but it helps, right?).
And then you take focused action on what you cannot see just yet.
You take focused action on what scares you.
You – well, of course – invest in yourself and don’t use money as a way of escaping your pathway to a magnificent and bold life before you’ve even begun walking on it.
So, today, ask yourself where you’ve bought into the illusion of corporate patriarchy and how you are going to change your go-to feeling and response to investing in yourself and your future.
How are you willing to step out of the world of victimhood you’re living under right this very moment?
As always, I’m here to support you in letting go of suffering and building the life you have always wanted to life: a rich life filled with joy, freedom and bold magnificence.
I have an exciting opportunity to work with me 1:1, on Zoom for 2 days! I am coming to YOUR living room.
Know that it’s time for major shifts in your life and relationship with yourself? Are you ready to commit so deeply to self-love, well-being and body wisdom that you can finally go out and claim your perfect life? Then this 2 day VIP experience is just the next step for you.
You don’t have to know how to “get” to that true sense of inner peace and self-knowledge. All you need to know is that you *want* a better life, a more relaxed and joyful daily experience. All you need to know is that you want to change the direction of your future. I’ll take care of the rest.
Is a life of bold magnificence calling you? Send me an email ([email protected]) to receive the details.
I only have 3 spaces available and they will sell out.
Ready? Let’s let go of suffering and dive into bliss.
Hugs and love,