Have you ever felt the tension between who you are and who the world expects you to be? Do you want to break free from societal norms and embrace your true self?

In a recent episode of the podcast Midlife Makeover Show, Wendy. Valentine and I dove deep into these topics. Wendy is a powerhouse! I had a blast talking with her and I think we could’ve continued for hours. Wendy is a writer, dynamic speaker, certified professional life coach, and midlife influencer.

Throughout the conversation, Wendy and I talked about importance of self-love, overcoming body image challenges, and the transformative power of setting boundaries in relationships. We discussed the intricate process of unlearning societal expectations and rediscovering who you are beneath the labels we often assign ourselves.

In this Episode of The Midlife Makeover Show

  • What Bold Magnificence means to me and why I chose this title
  • The root of self-worth and how you can begin to develop a healthier and happier sense of self
  • What it means to embrace your body and how you can change your internal world
  • Why we sometimes need to let go of relationships when we grow in certain areas in life
  • The difference that finding humor in self-doubt makes on your personal development journey
  • How to stop looking for something outside of yourself to make you happy
  • 💭 Why “It’s nice to just be able to admit, like, yeah, this is me. It’s okay.”

“I realized I was my own bullying, and I had to make the voice of my best friend within me louder than that bully.”

  • Why being our own guinea pigs and learning from our breakdown to breakthrough stories can make us more real and relatable.
  • Where self-doubt really comes from (it’s not what you think!)
  • How we can finally see, hear, learn, and admit what we actually want in life
  • and so much more

What’s your main takeaway from our conversation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Listen (or watch) here ➡

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