Sometimes you just have to do things that don’t make sense but make all the sense in the world

because your heart is tugging at you
because you know it’s the right step for you
because your sense of adventure is asking you to step up
because you can’t continue being in this miserable state
because you need to
because you can’t not.

And even if everything within you tells you it doesn’t make sense you know it makes sense

because you feel it
because you know that this will change your freaking life
because you know that after having done what it is you need to do nothing will ever be the same
and because you know that you need it to never be the same again.

And even if it doesn’t make sense from the outside
even if you have to make sacrifices
even if it makes you feel uncomfortable
even if it downright scares you

it excites every fiber of your being
it’s exactly what you need to do
at this point in your life

and you know it, don’t you?
you see it, don’t you?
you are sure, aren’t you?

Yet, there’s this small, rational, worried, paranoid part of you that tells you that now is not the time
(even though you know exactly that this is the only time and that you can’t wait another second longer)
there’s this small part of you that is scared of what others might say
(even though you know clear as day that it doesn’t matter what others will say as, hello, this is your life, your destiny, your pain)
there’s this part of you that seems bigger than it is as it conforms to society’s standards that states that nothing will change anyway
(even though you know it will, you know everything will change for the better)
there’s this part of you that is simply scared
(even though you know that the future you face now is much scarier than the future you know is right for you).

The question is: are you going to allow fear to guide your life or are you willing to follow your truth, your heart, your intuition, your core?

Are you going to live life on the sidelines, hiding behind a relationship to food that is tearing you apart?

Are you going to exist, hating on your body or are you going to live, loving every day – truly without pretense?

In our modern world, listening to your intuition,
following what’s exciting,
living from your heart is deemed naive,

In our modern world,
living in tune with your body,
communicating with your core,
is deemed silly,

In our modern world,
being true to yourself is seen as
the worst thing you can do.

But it’s the only thing that will ever light up your soul.

And you know,
oh how you know,

otherwise you wouldn’t dream of the things that don’t make sense.

You wouldn’t feel excited by the prospect of doing something spectacular.

You wouldn’t be afraid of seeing your life force run out while you watch –

Your actions don’t have to make sense
to them
to you.

Your actions have to feel right
not right to fear
but to your heart.

So, I’m asking you:
what is an action
what are your actions
that doesn’t make sense
but that you know you can make happen
if only you took your desires seriously?

So, I’m asking you:
where are you holding back

because the solution doesn’t seem obvious
or easy at first
even though you know that if only you took action
it would all fall into place?

So, I’m asking you:
where are you not living your life
and buying into extremely limiting beliefs
in order to stay the same
in order to stay safe
in misery?

So, I’m asking you:
if you had no fearful thoughts
no limiting beliefs
around time
what would you do?

What would you take action on?
How would you change your life?
And allow yourself to be supported in your adventures?

Would you hop on a plane and fly to Saint Tropez to
speed up your healing process by at least 6 months?

Would you jump into the ocean and walk down the beach
even though your body isn’t perfect?

Would you hire a coach and work towards your goals
that have always been tugging at your heart?

Would you simply do what you’ve always wanted to do
trusting that the solutions would come to you
if you simply allowed yourself to receive them?

Would you let go
work hard
be smart
let your ego die
and just be who you truly are?

Would you change anything?

I’m sure you would.
I’m sure you wouldn’t want to continue living your life the way you’re living it now.
I’m sure you have bigger dreams for yourself and you know
that you know
that you know
that if only you allowed yourself to follow what doesn’t seem rational
you’d live your dream life
and dive into all those adventures that seem reserved for others.

There’d be no
I’ll wait
Next year
Not right now
Can’t do it
No time
No money
Not the right circumstances.

There’d be no excuses
only action
from the heart
on what doesn’t make sense
but makes all the sense in the Universe.

Because your heart would guide you,
not your toxic beliefs.

Because your soul would be in charge,
not societal beliefs.

Because you’d know that you’re unlimited
in everything you choose to do.

And your life would be freaking amazing.

That life is reserved for you, love.
Your life is waiting for you to fall in love with.
Your life is waiting for you to take action.
Your life is waiting for you to follow your heart.

Your life is here to welcome you with open arms
with love
and joy
and all the bliss you never allowed yourself to receive.

Your life is ready.
It’s up to you to do
what you know
that you know
that you’ve always known
to be true.

Stop waiting for the miracle and start creating it.
By doing what doesn’t make sense
but makes more sense than anything you’ve ever done before.

Join me in Saint Tropez in August or September.
You choose the dates.
I pay for the bedrooms.

Together we create more shifts than you’ve had in the last 10 years.

It’s now or never, baby.
And you know how much sense it makes, don’t you?

Send me an email at [email protected] and we’ll get down to the details.

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