It’s Day 1 of the Love Yourself Up Challenge and we’re beginning our dive into self-love and self-care with the single most important thing when it comes to this topic: the commitment to yourself.


If you’re like me, you’ve spend most of your life beating yourself up for so many things: from your toes to your sarcasm to your muffin top to your failed relationships to your lack of time and discipline and so much more.

It’s often all bad. It’s often all your fault. It’s something about you that’s not right, right?

Well, no. Not at all.

It’s just your thinking that’s programmed to keep you small and disliking yourself.

But what would change if you saw love instead of regret, anger, shame, failure, hurt and fat?

What would you do and who would you be?

Try it and see.

Spend this day turning around the thoughts of self-loathing to thoughts of love, appreciation, acceptance and peace. 

Become aware of the thoughts you have by checking in with yourself every hour or so. Are you thinking hurtful thougths? Say something nice about yourself and recommit to love. Are you frustrated with yourself? Think of something you did great today and recommit once again. Think your thighs are too fat and you need to go on a new diet? Say something loving to your body and recommit to love. Commit, recommit, recommit once again and again and again. 

You are worthy of this commitment. Love is worthy of you and you are worthy of love. 

This little act of commitment to see love instead of all these other negative things will change your life for the better, I promise. It’s been working wonders for me and it’s helped me to take my self-care practices up ten levels. 🙂

Hop on over to the FB page and/or the Instagram feed and share your aha-moments, thoughts and ideas with us.

Search for #loveyourselfup.

Much love,


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Mind-Body Eating & Body Image Coach - Anne-Sophie Reinhardt