dreamsThere comes a time in every person’s life when you either own up to your dreams or you let them die altogether.

You’ve been wanting to do something for years, maybe even decades, but you’ve never had the guts to actually try it.

It was never the right time. It wasn’t the right place. It wasn’t exactly what you’d wanted. It wouldn’t have been responsible.

And blah, blah, blah.

Excuses. Bullshit.

So, you continue to live your life, going through the motions day in and day out.

Unsatisfied. Unhappy. Unfulfilled.

And suddenly you wake up, are 80 years old and ask yourself: What the fuck did I do? Was I out of my freaking mind? Why have I wasted a lifetime of possibilities and opportunities just to be, well, comfortable, normal and responsible? Why did I throw away my dreams just to take the easy road?

But it’s too late. Life’s over. Your dreams are dead.

Sad, isn’t it? But it’s happening every second. All over the world. And your dreams might be next in line.

Are you letting your dreams die a painful death of negligence?

I won’t.

I’ve always had this dream of moving to NYC. Always. My parents used to joke that I was born on the wrong continent. And, in a way, they were right.

I was drawn to the English language, obsessed with the American culture and longed to explore every part of this huge country.

Over the years and as I’ve discovered the US step-by-step, this fascination and sheer awe has dimmed quite a bit. I’ve seen the reality of the lack of culture, education, health care systems and other political and social problems. I woke up and saw that the US is just another country with ups and downs, positive characteristics and negative ones.

But the love for the people, the enchantment with NYC and other cities didn’t change a bit and my hunger for a life abroad only grew.

But anorexia threw a monkey wrench in my plans and I surrendered. Twice.

Then I got married, moved to Zurich and my dreams seemed to have evaporated.

Turns out, they weren’t. I was just distracted.

Now I’m back on track, however.

And so, I will make it happen.

I’m moving to NYC in December.

I’m taking a leap of faith and I’m making my dream come true.

I’m terrified, but I know that if I don’t do it now, I’m never going to do it.

Now is my time and I’m ready for the next step. I know that I’ve built a strong enough foundation not to fall back into my anorexic ways again. I know that I’ve grown tremendously in the past few weeks alone to conquer all the obstacles that’ll present themselves.

And I know that moving to NYC is the best move for aMINDmedia and my career. NYC, after all, is the city where dreams become a reality and mine will. There’s no doubt about it.

So, here’s what I have:

A ticket to Susan Piver’s Authentic Inspiration Workshop: A Weekend Retreat for Writers from December 7th to the 9th.
Friends. Lots of them.

Here’s what I need:

A flight.
An apartment.
A visa.

As you can see the most important parts are still missing, but I’ve 90 days to show corporate America how great I am, convince them that I’m more than worth the investment and that I am of tremendous value for any corporation.

It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it. I know that even if times will be tougher than they’re here, I’ll make it work. For my dream.

I’m putting all of my cards in one basket. If you have resources, contacts, relationships, I’d be more than grateful if you shared them with me. I know that by moving to the US, the message of self-love, living your dreams and trusting yourself will be spread wider than I could ever do it from here in Switzerland.

That’s a goal worth pursuing and a mission worth fighting for, isn’t it?

The same is true for all of your dreams. If only you gave them life, they’d create their own movement of hope, inspiration and love. They’d encourage others to do the same and oh man, how awesome this world would become.

Be part of this movement. Be part of the crew. Be part of those who make this world a better place.

Live your dreams and forget about conformity! Stop hiding your shine and shoot for the stars. [Click to Tweet]

Throw away your safety net, embrace your fears and use them to propel you forward, make you work harder, run higher and live better.

Life’s too short not to follow your dreams. What are yours and why haven’t you fulfilled them yet?

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