In case you are tempted to ask your bestie if they think you’ve gained weight over the holidays, remember that your “here and now” body doesn’t need to be defined.
In case you just took a “before” photo of your body, remember that your “here and now” body is worthy of love and compassion.
In case you just googled “how to lose 10 pounds fast”, remember that your “here and now” body is good enough.
In case you are terrified that you’ve overdone it during the holidays, remember that your body has got your back.
In case you are guilt- and shame-tripping into this New Year,
remember that there is another way to live your life.
You CAN cut the ties of body-hatred and fear of weight gain.
You CAN stop the “I need to lose those 4 pounds I gained during the holidays and I only know that I gained 4 pounds because I weigh myself daily, so that I can take measures in case I actually enjoyed my food” cycle and take a deep breath to come back to your center and your affectionate mind.
You CAN create balance in your heart, body and soul and you CAN live free from those chains that shackle you to every mirror, every shop window and every other reflective surface you can find.
You CAN create love where there is shame.
You CAN create compassion where there is terror.
You CAN create healing where there are open wounds.
You CAN move into this new decade without the pressures of your past.
So, just in case you feel the need to justify your “here and now” body,
stop, pause and devotedly turn inward, healing what’s really dripping with pain.
Because – and you know that by now – making your body smaller will not make your real pain disappear.
Taking up less space in the physical realm will not make your life more tolerating or even fun.
Seeing the number on the scale decrease day after day – at least at the beginning of your “zero-sugar-no-carbs-not-even-gluten-or-protein-lifestyle-change” – will not give you your friends back, heal your broken heart or allow you to have the jobs of your dreams (unless you want to be a model that is).
No, you know that the “before” photo that will eventually turn into an “after” photo, which unquestioningly will turn into yet another “before” photo, is not going to allow your soul to soar.
You know that the solution, the real solution, is to address the suffering within.
I have two spaces available for a brand new program. With me. And you. 1-1. Intimate. Tight. Intense.
No bullshit.
Is your soul nudging you that it’s time?
Are you ready to walk away from the shame that is running your life?
Is yesterday the last day you’ll lose?
Book a convo here ([email protected]) and we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.