It’s about food.

Of course it is.

The bingeing.

The restricting.

The obsession.

The 24-hour calorie ticker.

Of course it’s about food.

The pleasure.

The pain.

The guilt, fear and shame.

Of course you binge because you’ve been restricting for such a long time.

Of course you’re “out of control” because you’re scared you’ll never have another meal again.

Of course it’s about the “simple” human mechanics that are suuuuper complex too.

But of course it’s also about your inner life.

It’s about your fears, the trauma you don’t want to speak of.

It’s about your attempts to protect yourself, to heal your soul, to unite with your core – the part of yourself that you’ve left behind when you first began to diet and deny yourself your own grace.

Of course it’s about that never-ending desire to fill a part of you, a hole that’s gaping open, the wound you haven’t been tending to for so many years.

Of course it’s also simply about stuffing 5 brownies in your mouth – as fast as you possibly can.

It’s about habits,
it’s about trauma,
it’s about pleasure,
it’s about avoiding pain.

It’s complex and it’s super simple.
It’s both and nothing and everything in between.

We need to be able to embrace the paradoxes of healing our relationship with food and our body in order to successfully and finally live in harmony with our entire, truthful self.

It takes practice and specific well-researched tools to stop the binges, to stop the restriction, to continue walking down that very courageous path of finding freedom from your crazy relationship with food.

It’s definitely not something that “just happens” – as fun as that might be.

It’s something you choose.
And again.
And Again.

It takes the willingness to be in discomfort and to walk down a path that’s been scaring you for as long as you can remember.

It takes vulnerability and an openness to being guided by someone who’s been there before.

Of course it’s different for everyone,
but then, it’s not.

It’s the same.

And completely unique to you.

The habit of restriction and bingeing that you’ve been engaged with can be broken.

The emotional pain that set it all off can be uncovered, witnessed and let go.
The desire that kept you pursuing that perfect body can be re-channelled in more worthwhile past-times.
The freedom fighter within you can reawaken and stand up for your boldly magnificent life – a life in technicolor, in total contrast to the greys you’re living in right now.

Your mind will need to be restructured,
your heart will need to be honored,
your hunger will need to be respected
and your body will need to be taken care of.

You can’t continue what you’re doing in this moment,
can’t continue to restrict, hoping you’ll never binge again,
can’t continue to overexercise, hoping you’ll somehow finally stop,
can’t continue to search for the latest fad diets every night, hoping it’ll be the glorious new miracle you’ve been dreaming of,
and expect your life to turn out differently.

You can’t continue to stand in your own way –

nope, you’ve got to step aside,
let your unconscious mind take over sometime,
try out new methods,
challenge your fears.

If you don’t, you’ll be reading these words a year from now,
still believing that it’s not about food,
that it’s not about your innermost fears,
that it’s not about your desires,
that it’s not about stepping into the unknown.

You’ll be stuck.
As effin’ stuck as you are right now.

You’ll be wondering where your life’s headed,
where it all went wrong,
and maybe,
just maybe,
you’ll believe that it’s too late to start again.

That now, you’ll simply have to “live with it”,
accept your situation for what it is: a sorry excuse for a life that could’ve been lived.

A mess that could have easily been cleaned up.

And guess what, it’s never too late.
Of course not.

You can begin anew right

In this very moment.
This tiny second.


It can all change today.
You can stop dieting,
can stop restricting,
can stop denying,
can stop making your animal brain believe that your starving and need to obsess about food, every moment of your day.

You can stop bingeing,
can stop feeling like crap,
can stop waking up in the morning believing that you’ll have to diet all over again.

It’s never too late – no matter how many years you’ve been engaging in habits that dimmed your light.

And yet you have to begin at some point – why not do it today?

Of course, it’s scary.
Of course, it’s uncomfortable.
Of course, it’s uncharted territory.

And of course, it’s the only thing that matters for you now.
It’s the only thing that makes sense,
the only thing that’ll give you the space to unfold into the shimmering Goddess you’ve always known you are.

Of course, right?

As always, I’m here to support you in letting go of suffering and building the life you have always wanted to life: a life without body-shame, without obsessing about every calorie you put into your body, a life of joy, freedom and bold magnificence.

I have an exciting opportunity to work with me 1:1, in the same room for 2 days! I am coming to YOU.

Know that it’s time for major shifts in your life and relationship with food and yourself? Are you ready to commit so deeply to self-love, well-being and a body image based on respect that you can finally go out and claim your perfect life? Then this 2 day VIP experience is just the next step for you.

You don’t have to know how to “get” to body-love and freedom from bingeing and overeating. All you need to know is that you *want* a better life, a more relaxed and joyful daily experience. All you need to know is that you want to change the direction of your future. I’ll take care of the rest.

Is a life of body-love calling you? Send me an email ([email protected]) to receive the details.
I only have 3 spaces available and they will sell out.

Ready? Let’s let go of suffering and dive into bliss.

Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

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