losing weight

“I’ll change once I’ve lost the weight.
I’ll begin loving my body once I am at the weight I desire.
I’ll work on healing my body image fears once I am there, I promise.”


This excuse makes me want to scream.
Shake my head
and shake the person who is obviously still so so sooooooo stuck in old beliefs.

The beliefs that hurt them in the first place.
The beliefs that made them so miserable.
The beliefs that caused their struggles with food all along.

You’ll never change if you believe that you’ll change once you’ve lost the weight.
You’ll never love your body if you believe that you’ll have to wait until you’re thin.
You’ll never heal if you don’t start now.

Not tomorrow.
Not next week.
Not 30 pounds from now.


You cannot hate yourself into loving yourself and waiting to love yourself until you’ve lost weight is just that: deliberately destroying yourself in order to not having to love yourself.


You’ve tried them.
You’ve tried them all.
You’ve been there, done that.

So why would you ever want to go on another diet?
Other than destroying your soul?
Other than you wanting to hate yourself even more than you now?

Why would you ever want to waste your life force, your brilliance, your precious life by putting your body on a weight loss regimen?

Why would you choose misery in full knowledge?

Instead of using your time, your brain power, your brilliance to change this world?
To heal yourself first?
To go deep, dig deep and then roar like the lion you were born to be?

Why would you choose to play small if you know you could be so much more?

And no, the answer isn’t that you’ll be all of yourself once you’ve lost the weight.

You know that that is just a lie.
You know that that is just an excuse to stay stuck, to not have to live, to not have to face your demons in the ways that you clearly were born to do.

You can learn all you want about clean eating.
You KNOW all the basics already anyway.

You can learn all you want about the perfect way to exercise.
Heck, you’ve heard it all before a million times.

You can learn all you want about the Weight Watchers’ weight loss system.
You have been at their meetings a thousand times anyway.

But the truth will never change:
you just don’t want to be who you are inside.

Maybe someone once told you that you’re not enough.
That you’re awful.
That you cannot be who you are. Ever.

That is just wrong.
And you know it.

Of course you do.

Otherwise you wouldn’t binge to hide your feelings, to hide the deep inner knowledge that you are meant for more.
Otherwise you wouldn’t diet to step into the person you truly are (which, as you know will never work, because they person you are has nothing to do with your weight).
Otherwise you wouldn’t overexercise to numb yourself and hide your truth from your innermost core.

But, love, come on.
Come on.

You cannot continue to fool yourself this way.
You cannot continue to believe that anyone – including yourself – believes you when you say that this is the last diet you’ll ever be on, that yes, this is IT.

You’ll lose the weight and THEN you’ll live,

you’ll finally embrace who you are, you’ll be HAPPY, you’ll work on your open wounds, your toxic beliefs.
You cannot continue to stand in the middle of your life with your eyes closed hoping nobody will see how very much you are lying to yourself.

Your life starts in this moment.
Your healing starts in this moment.
Or never ever ever at all.

You can lose as much weight as you desire (knowing that it’ll eventually backfire) and you’ll still not be healed.

Your fears are deeper.
Your demons lie deeper.
Your desires go way beyond the fat that you so hate.

There’s nothing else to do but learn to love yourself right now.
There’s nothing else to do but learn to unbelieve your painful thoughts right now.
There’s nothing else to do but learn to remove the layers of fear and allow yourself to shine right now.

In the body you have in this moment.

If you lose the weight now, you’ll suffer.
If you lose the weight now, you’ll suffer as you’re trying to keep it off.
If you lose the weight now, you’ll suffer as you gain it back binging every moment of every day.

You’ll realize for the millionth time that the weight is not the issue.
Food is not the issue.
Your body is not the issue.

The issue is your soul screaming for you to wake up.
To stop kidding yourself.
To stop lying to yourself.

And instead live the life you were meant to live.
Be the person you were meant to be.
Be the woman this world needs.

Do you see that?:
Are you ready to accept it?
To realize that this truth can never be changed?

Are you willing to open your eyes to the reality of your life?
Or are you going to continue on like this until the pain’s too big to bear?

Until you end up the way I did – in a hospital, no longer willing to be here?

There’s no escape from your own self.
It’ll whisper in your ear until you listen.
And if you don’t, the whispers will turn into screams of your soul, binges of your body, insanity in your mind.

There’s no denying it: you’re at a crossroads in your life.
You’ve been here before and all you ever dared to choose was the road back to self-destruction. You’ve circled and circled and circled and now, as you’re standing here yet again, are you ready to take the road less traveled?

The road your entire being is wanting you to walk?
Or will you allow your fears to take control once again?
To keep you from your purpose?
To keep you from yourself?

30 pounds won’t make a difference.
2 sizes won’t make a difference.
15 calories won’t make a difference.

But you’ll never know unless you try.
And I know that you know in your heart of hearts that you want to try.
You want to leap.

You need to – otherwise what’s going to happen with your life?

Take a running jump and find out.

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