Finally Free – Guided Meditations for Freedom from Emotional Eating

Stop the Binge-Diet Cycle for Real

Emotional eating doesn’t fix emotional problems – even if it feels like it in the moment. It only makes you feel ashamed, guilty and, well, stuffed.
With meditation, you can learn to stop, free yourself and create inner balance and healthy (= sane) eating habits again.

Available Now. Choose Freedom Today.


What You Get

  • Introduction
  • A meditation before a binge
  • A meditation after an emotional eating attack
  • A meditation for hungry days
  • A meditation for balance
  • A meditation for life without dieting (aka. finally LIVING)
  • A meditation for “fat” days
  • A meditation to tap into physical hunger
  • A meditation for experiencing your body
  • A meditation for healing
  • A meditation for positive thoughts about food
  • Bonus Track


About The Creator

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt serves women who want OUT of their destructive relationship with food and their bodies by helping them to respect their body wholeheartedly.

She is a certified Martha Beck Life Coach and Eating Psychology Coach, founder of the award-winning blog Escape Diet Prison, successful speaker and workshop leader with clients all over the world.

After a 14-year long battle with food and her body, she successfully healed her relationship with herself and is now passionate about helping others find the peace, freedom and happiness she enjoys every day.

An expert in her field, she has been quoted extensively on popular media and is a regular speaker on issues surrounding women’s body images.

Her story and message have been the focus of a national Swiss documentary and she has been a guest on Swiss and German national TV. Her work has also been published on sites such as the Huffington Post, Copyblogger, Problogger and She Takes on the World.

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