Give it all up.

The pain,
the fear,
the fight.

Give it all up.

The hurt,
the heartache,
the obsession.

Give it all up.

The attachments,
the regrets,
the what ifs.

Give it all up.

The ties,
the musts,
the should haves.

Give it all up.


In this moment.


Knowing that by surrendering it all,
you’ll create space for the real stuff.

Give it all up.

The promises.
The lies.
The missed opportunities.

Give it all up.

The quest for happiness.
The desire for thinness.
The need for freedom.


Just give it all up.

To arrive in this moment.
To be here now.
To breathe.

Knowing that this is the only moment you will ever be able to do anything about.
Knowing that you only ever have right now.

Knowing that the minute you accept what is,
you’ll be able to transform what is.

Give it all up.

To heal.

Ready to surrender? Book a coaching call with me today to let the healing begin.

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