Combining Cardio, Strength, and Mindfulness 🏃‍♀️🧘‍♀️

5 weeks ago, I decided to take on the challenge of participating in the Great World Race. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s a multi-stage marathon that takes place in beautiful locations around the globe. It’s a huge challenge, testing not just physical endurance but also mental toughness and resilience.

When I shared that I had signed up, I promised to document my journey. I’ve been a bit behind, but I’m committed to sharing more of my experiences with you all. Today, let’s talk about two key parts of my training: recovery and overall fitness.

Why Recovery Matters

After a run, stretching is my go-to. Recovery is just as important as the run itself. It’s not only about pushing my limits but also about treating my body with kindness. Stretching, foam rolling, and getting enough rest are now non-negotiable parts of my routine. Recovery isn’t just a luxury; it’s essential for preventing injuries and keeping me ready for the next session.

Fueling My Body

A big change I’ve embraced is how I nourish my body. Many of us see exercise as a way to lose weight, but it’s so much more than that. Exercise enhances our overall well-being, both mentally and physically. I’ve shifted my focus to eating a balanced diet that fuels my body, making sure I get enough calories and nutrients to support my intense training. It’s not about restriction; it’s about giving my body what it needs to perform at its best. And when I am nourished properly, I ran soooo much easier, faster and with more joy.
Who’d have thought?! 🤪🫶

Stretching and Mobility

I’ve added a lot of stretching and mobility exercises to my routine. Flexibility and mobility are key for any athlete as they help maintain a good range of motion and prevent injuries. Taking the time to stretch doesn’t just speed up recovery but it also boosts my overall performance. It’s amazing how a few extra minutes of stretching can make a world of difference.

Adding Pilates and Strength Workouts

To round out my training, I’ve included Pilates and strength workouts. Running long distances requires more than just endurance; it also demands strength. Pilates, especially, has been amazing for core strength and stability, which are both crucial for maintaining a good running form. These workouts help me feel balanced, powerful, and ready to take on the world.

What’s Your Fitness Focus?

I’d love to hear from you. What’s your fitness focus right now? Running, yoga, strength training, or something else? Let’s share our journeys and support each other. Here’s to embracing the process, being kind to our bodies, and celebrating every small victory along the way!

If you found this post helpful or inspiring, please share it with your friends and family. Follow me on Instagram @annesophiereinhardt for more updates on my training journey.

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