The Fear-Desire Paradox

Fear is a powerful force that holds us back from reaching our full potential and living our boldest life. It’s not always easy to recognize how our fears are intertwined with our deepest desires. In this episode of Boldly Magnificent, I explore the connection between fear and desire and share how you can begin to trust yourself and the world again.

The Fear-Desire Paradox:

  • How to remember what it’s like to trust yourself
  • Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone – the right way
  • Learning to take risks and recognizing the hidden desires behind your fear
  • The importance of identifying what’s holding you back from building self-trust
  • Examples of what it’s like to walk on the edge of your comfort zone
  • How I lost my sense of adventure, found it, and lost it again, and what allowed me to embrace it for good
  • Where we can learn the most about ourselves and grow the most
  • Why discomfort is a tool for self-discovery and personal growth
  • and so much more

By trusting yourself and pushing beyond your comfort zones, you will become the best version of yourself. There is no way around it, as life happens on the other side of comfort and the feeling of safety. Once you’ve started to embrace adventure and have dared to do crazy and exciting things, you won’t want to go back to the version of yourself that was too timid to even try.

I loooove the life that I have built outside of my comfort zone, and I know that the circle of desire I get to play in is only getting bigger and bigger and bigger as I learn to embrace my fears, rational or not, and lovingly take them with me as we jump into the sometimes ice-cold rivers of life.

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