Today, let’s say goodbye.

Not to a person, not to a place, but to parts of ourselves that have lingered in the shadows for far too long.

Today, let’s say goodbye.

Not to a dream, not to a vision, but to all the thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that have kept us stuck.

Today, let’s say goodbye.

Goodbye to self-blame, to body shame, to playing small, to hiding who we really are.

Today, let’s decide to say goodbye to everything that is keeping us from choosing peace over inner turmoil, self-compassion over criticism, and authenticity over conformity.

We say goodbye to everything that is no longer serving us.

I know you juggle a lot. Your personal dreams and desires, society’s expectations of you, your family’s needs, your clients’ demands and the daily deluge of the unexpected. It can feel like you’re standing in the eye of a tornado, trying to balance all of life but knowing, believing, feeling that this is, you are destined to falter and crash.

At the same time, we are taught to strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, from our appearances to our careers, relationships, and our internal wellbeing. Yet, this never ending pursuit of perfection traps us in a cycle of self-doubt, comparison, and dissatisfaction.

Today, you have the opportunity to step off this carousel of chaos and embrace the peace that comes with letting go.

Letting go is not a sign of defeat. It is a declaration of strength. It involves releasing the burdens—those we’ve placed upon ourselves and those society has put onto our shoulders.

It’s about shedding the layers that no longer serve us, saying goodbye to the negative self-talk that has become our worst enemy, and with the fear of judgment that prevents us from truly living our boldest life.

As you say goodbye to these aspects of your life, you’re also saying hello.

Hello to moments of self-kindness, to seasons of meeting your needs, to recognizing your worth beyond productivity or appearance.

This transition is not about erasing who you are but evolving into who you are meant to be. It’s about greeting each day with an open heart, being curious about yourself and welcoming the fullness of everything you are and can become.

The path to peace is paved with goodbyes, but each one of these goodbyes is a stepping stone towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. It’s about recognizing that you are not defined by the roles you play, the number on the scale, the smoothness of your skin, or the accomplishments you collect.

You are so much more. You are a complex being capable of deep love, profound growth, and incredible resilience.

Embracing this journey requires courage. It demands meeting the parts of yourself and your life that have been viewed through a lens of openness. It asks you to be vulnerable, ready to open up to the possibility of transformation, and believing in your capacity to heal and to thrive.

So, here’s to the goodbyes that lead us to hello.

Here’s to choosing peace, to embracing your true self, and to the journey that unfolds when you dare to let go.

Below is an EFT script that is designed to help you release the burdens of self-blame, body shame, and the fear of embracing your true self, while welcoming self-kindness, acceptance, and peace.

EFT Tapping Script for Choosing Peace and Embracing Self-Kindness

Before you begin, take a deep breath and acknowledge the feelings and parts of yourself you’re ready to say goodbye to. As you tap each point, say the phrases out loud with intention and compassion for yourself.

Karate Chop (Side of Hand):

  • Even though I’ve held onto self-blame and body shame, I deeply and completely accept myself.
  • Even though I’ve been afraid to show my true self, I choose to embrace who I am with kindness.

Eyebrow Point:

  • I’m ready to say goodbye to playing small.

Side of Eye:

  • I release the need to hide who I really am.

Under Eye:

  • I let go of body shame and self-blame.

Under Nose:

  • It’s safe for me to release these burdens.

Chin Point:

  • I forgive myself for not meeting unrealistic standards.


  • I choose to fill this space with self-kindness and acceptance.

Under Arm:

  • I am saying hello to loving and accepting my body as it is.

Top of Head:

  • I open my heart to the peace that comes with self-acceptance.

(Repeat the cycle 2-3 times or as needed, allowing yourself to really feel the release of each statement.)

Karate Chop (Side of Hand):

  • Even though I’ve been holding back my true self, I now choose to live authentically and with peace.

Eyebrow Point:

  • I welcome moments of self-kindness.

Side of Eye:

  • I embrace seasons of meeting my needs.

Under Eye:

  • I recognize my worth beyond my productivity and appearance.

Under Nose:

  • It’s okay to be me, fully and completely.

Chin Point:

  • I’m open to new beginnings and the joy they bring.


  • I choose peace and self-compassion on this journey.

Under Arm:

  • I am worthy of love, just as I am.

Top of Head:

  • I celebrate this new dawn of self-acceptance and peace.

After completing the tapping sequence, take a deep breath in, hold it for a moment, and then exhale slowly. Notice any shifts in your body or emotions.

Remember, this journey is about progress, not perfection. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate this path of self-discovery and transformation. Choosing peace and saying goodbye to what no longer serves you is a powerful step towards living a life filled with joy, self-love, and authenticity.

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