Scary concept, isn’t it?
But also so damn exciting.

And you know, whether you believe it’s possible for you at this point or not, I can tell you that it totally, absolutely, 100% IS possible for you to eat what you want when you want.

AND even better,

you can eat what you want when you want without fear, shame or guilt.

Feeling free, abundant and totally, absolutely fine in the entire process.

Many, many years ago, I’d fill journal after journal writing this mantra over and over and over again.

I’d think about what it would feel like to eat what I want when I want without fear, shame or guilt.

I’d visualize who I’d be if I truly allowed myself to eat what I want when I want without fear, shame or guilt.

AND accept my body wholeheartedly no matter how she might change in the process.

Now, I’m living this truth every day.

Of course, it’s a process to go from “No matter what I eat, I always feel guilty, dirty and oh so so ashamed” to “Food doesn’t affect my self-worth anymore”.

When all you’ve ever known is the “fact” that no matter what you eat, you’re bad and will gain weight and oh boy, you really just want to be normal and thin and free from all this fear.

When all you’ve ever allowed yourself to see is how fat you are, how you’re not good enough yet, how no matter what you do, it’s never ever ever going to be OK.

When all you’ve ever felt is deep despair when looking in the mirror.

When all you’ve done is hate on yourself.

Then it’s STILL a process and you can STILL get to eating what you want when you want.


No matter how many times you’ve fallen, you can always get back up.
No matter how many therapists, counselors, coaches you’ve seen, you can always seek out more.
No matter how long it’s already taken you, all hope is not lost.

Hold the vision of eating what you want when you want without fear, guilt and shame in your heart and mind.

Go a step further and ask yourself where you’re cheating or trying to trick yourself.

Are you really allowing yourself to enjoy what you eat?
Are you still secretly restricting emotionally and physically?
Have you really let go of your diet mentality?

Like, really?

Or are you still secretly hoping that eating the “right” way will make you thin or shape your body in a certain way?

Are you still hoping that if you learn how to eat intuitively, you will lose the weight you’ve hated on for so long?

Are you still living in dietland, just pretending you’re not?

Where are you not in total acceptance yet?

Ask yourself and then get to work on those parts.

Another step.
Another leap.
Another day.

Of you moving in the direction of your dreams, of you learning to eat what you want when you want without fear, guilt or shame.

It’s possible, you know.
Totally, entirely, absolutely do-able.

For you.

Ready to eat what you want when you want? Take the leap of faith and book your coaching package with me now.

It’s time to stop hurting and start creating FREEDOM.

You have what it takes to turn this around.
You have what it takes to let go of needing to be in pain and playing small.

I see it in your eyes.
I see it in your heart.
I see it in your every move and every word.

You are the one you were always meant to be –
just covered by fear and shame –
and the wrong belief that being thin will instantly ease all your pain and allow you to create a life of rainbows and unicorns.

It’s time to leave that behind.
It’s time to unleash the superwoman that’s inside.

Not overnight.
But by strategically going through the steps to allowing your core to shine.

I’m here to help. <3

Photo by Taylor Kiser on Unsplash

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