Have you been questioning everything lately?
Well, good.
Because doubting matters.
It’s a great way to reveal your precise mission in life.
And – just to stress this point –
that mission, that purpose, that reason for you being here,
living, breathing, being,
is NOT about being perfect.
It’s not about your weight.
Or your fear of being a bad parent.
An unworthy employee.
A phantom that is only here to please others.
Your purpose is bigger!
And in a way, it’s extremely selfish for you to keep this purpose, your light, from us, from the generation to come.
It’s selfish to keep yourself small.
It’s selfish to keep your spirit in pain.
For we need you.
We count on you.
We are waiting for you.
It’s time for you to rise above,
learn to love (yourself!!!),
learn to grow into the person you were meant to be all along.
And when I think these thoughts,
I smile, 😁
the biggest smile there is,
that we’ll be fine.
Because you’re here.
You’re ready to begin doing the work
The work that’ll mark the turning point.
The day you’ll be talking about to your grandchildren with shining eyes and an open heart.
The work that’ll define the rest of your life.
And, of course,
it’s up to you to take the first step.
It’s up to you to stand your ground
and stop
what it’s all about
while totally doubting your way toward the work of your life!
You might feel overwhelmed.
A bit frightened, perhaps.
And that’s okay.
The pathway to growth is often filled with uncertainty.
It’s not about skipping over your fears or pretending they don’t exist.
It’s about walking through them.
It’s about embracing the fact that you might falter; you might stumble.
But you’ll never stop moving forward.
We are here for you.
Cheering you on every single step of the way.
The voices may seem distant at times, but you’ll know, deep down,
you’re never alone on this journey.
You may feel like you’re in the dark,
but deep down, you’ll know
you are made of the brightest stars.
So shine.
Shine brightly.
Shine boldly.
This is unveiling authenticity.
It’s about ripping away the layers of fear and doubt to reveal the genuine you.
And yes, the first step is the hardest.
But it’s also the most important.
It’s the step that proves you have chosen to move toward growth.
And once you do, there’s no looking back.
You are on your way to making your life a masterpiece, to creating a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.
So, keep doubting, keep questioning.
And let these questions lead you to the most beautiful answers, your life’s work.