Are you living life to the full, using all the magic and power you have? Are you happy or do you feel like life is passing you by?

I see many friends and family members complain about life all the time.

It’s so hard. It’s boring. It’s such a battle. You have to do what you have to do. Blah blah blah.

Excuses. Lies. Limiting beliefs that keep you small and, yes, comfortable.

Don’t get me wrong, I see that there are certain things that you just have to do for practical reasons. We all have to make a living, right?

Yet, despite that fact, I also believe that you have the ability to choose and create your life experience.

I believe in personal power and I believe that when you truly want, you can make your life matter. Big time. 

Last week, we almost died. It was scary. We were shocked, but we were also grateful. This split-second of  terror made me realize how precious life is and how much it matters to enjoy yourself. Every. Single. Day.

It made me realize that I do want to make my life matter. I do want to make an impact. I do want to be remembered in a good way.

How about you?

Have you ever thought about making your life matter? Have you ever dreamed of making an impact in your family, in your community or maybe in this world?

If so, today’s edition of Love Yourself Friday will give you specific ideas on how to create a life that fulfils you, thrills you and does a lot of good.

1. Get Clear

What would your life look like to make you feel like it mattered? Think about your values, your dreams, your day-to-day activities. What does living an authentic, fun, enjoyable life look like to yo?  Don’t compare your life to others, but simply ask yourself what a life of joy might sound like, feel like, smell like for you and you alone.

2. Bust through your limiting beliefs

Recognize that you can change and that you deserve an amazing life. No, living your dreams is not reserved for the lucky ones, it’s totally accessible for you too. But if you don’t believe it, it won’t happen. So, begin to dig deep and ask yourself what’s holding you back, what are you scared of? What’s limiting you?

3. Take action.

I’m not suggesting you quit your job and go traveling the world, but you can add your little moments of joy and pleasure into your daily life. Do you want to paint more? Start painting tonight. Do you want to connect more with others? Call up a friend and meet her for lunch. Do you want to change careers? Start looking for different jobs. Change takes time, but if you never start, you’ll never make your dreams come true.

4. Practice gratitude.

Be grateful for everything you already have. Make it a habit to list three things you’re grateful for every single day. You’ll soon begin to see that your life already matters and that you are surrounded by love and awesomeness.  Scientifically speaking, regular grateful thinking can increase happiness by as much as 25 percent, while keeping a gratitude journal for as little as three weeks results in better sleep and more energy. Pretty cool, no?

5. Special Bonus Tip: Be of service

The ultimate way to make your life matter is to be of service. Give altruistically, practice compassion and be a generally nice and loving human being. Remember that we’re all in this together and if we stick with each other, are there for each other and help each other, this world will soon be a much better place and you’ll know you’ll have made your life matter.

How do you make your life matter? Do you feel like you have to make some changes or is your life already super awesome? Share your thoughts with us.

Much love,


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