Do you know how precious you are?
Do you know how needed you are?
Do you know that you’re not an accident,
something that just happened to happen?
Do you know that you were born exactly as you were meant to be,
shape this world?
Do you know?
Or, more precisely,
do you acknowledge how powerful you are?
How much we’re all counting on you?
Do you realize that all you were ever “supposed” to be
was yourself?
That all you were ever “supposed” to do
was to unlearn all the beliefs that others pushed upon you?
Do you even know?
We clutter ourselves with so many lies,
so many concepts,
so much crap
that we forget
that all we need
is inside.
We don’t need to be someone we’re not.
We already are everything we were ever meant to be.
And that is the big challenge of our times.
To come back home.
To realize our greatness
and to own it.
To not apologize for who were are.
For the mastery we know how to cultivate.
For the massive influence we have on others.
For our desires,
our needs,
our truest passion.
I had this memory of how I used to write in my little notebook in school
that “I just want to go home”.
I’d write it over and over and over again.
Sitting in classes,
full of anxiety,
bored out of my mind,
annoyed with the students who didn’t get what I had gotten months ago (I was a teenager and I learned fast, don’t judge me),
I’d write:
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
It was a mantra that kept me safe,
at least a little bit.
I didn’t want to go home,
or maybe I did,
but what I know now is that I wanted to come back home to myself.
I knew that what I had to learn,
that who I was shaped into being,
that all the abuse I experienced at this time,
was keeping me from being who I was born to be.
I knew,
that I was being guided down a path that wasn’t mine
and all I wanted was to go back home.
I wanted to be myself.
I wanted to tap into my magnificence.
I wanted to walk the road of self-realization
and not be caught in a life that was as dark as my brother’s soul.
I needed to come back home.
Have you ever felt like you are living a life that keeps you from being at home?
Do you yearn to come back to who you were born to be?
Is your struggle with food,
with your body,
with your life,
just a way of trying not to feel the pain of living a life based on other people’s dreams?
Is your obsession with the scale just a way of somehow
in some weird way
come back home to yourself?
I am pretty sure it is.
In fact, I know it is.
We’re all yearning to come back home.
We’re all yearning to be real again.
We’re all ready to stop living in superficial land and finally
and it’s time
live our lives out loud.
Because –
here’s the thing –
you know that your life is running out.
You know that with every minute that you’re not being true to yourself,
you’re losing out on living a bold life.
You know that your struggle with food is something that you can leave behind,
you might just be scared of realizing your greatness.
And – this I can promise you –
your brilliance will emerge once you burn through all the clutter in your mind.
You will step into all that you’ve ever been.
You will unlearn all the bullshit that you’ve been told.
You will shine like you’ve never done before.
And it’ll feel like coming home
as you will be at home,
In your body.
In your soul.
In this life.
You are meant for more than living for your body.
You are meant for more than living for a certain calorie amount.
You are meant for so much more than being jailed in carbs and fat.
And, my love, you know it.
Don’t you?
There’s the part of you that’s been nudging you to come back home forever.
It’s the part of you that – when you allow yourself to feel it –
makes you sad,
It’s the part of you that – when you allow yourself to let it in –
makes it crystal clear
that this life you’re living right now
is not a life at all
but an existence that is slowly fading into nothing.
Your pain is real.
Your fear is real.
Your frustration,
is real.
Just as the yearning to be more
is real.
Do you know that you can be held in the light?
Do you know that you can express yourself fully?
Do you know that you can be who you’ve always wanted to be?
Do you know that you can be free?
Do you allow yourself to know that there’s a life beyond diet prison for you?
Do you allow yourself to dream of this life that you’re meant to live?
Or do you always hold back?
Scared of living in a dream world?
Well, guess what, the world you’re living in right now,
that is the dream.
Well, it’s a nightmare really.
The world you’re living in right now is based on the beliefs you’ve held forever and you can easily exchange those beliefs
and live in your truth.
Today, and every day,
ask yourself how you can come back home more
and more
and more
and more.
I always come back home when I journal,
when I write,
when I speak from the heart.
It’s not always easy to be at home,
to live life from the core,
but really, it’s the only way.
Because, in the end,
what is life really if not a journey back home to yourself?
What kind of a life would it be if we cannot at least say that we’ve tried to live our most authentic truth
and honor the reason we came here?
What kind of a legacy would we leave if we didn’t continuously own our magnificence and fully,
lived into the brave,
women we were born to be?
Come home, love.
Just come back home.
PS: Is your heart tugging at you, letting you know that it’s time to step up and shine fiercely?
There’s no better time than today to start loving yourself. The longer you wait, the more of your life you’re missing out on and you know, deep down, that it could be so much better for you. And that it should be better and you’re ready to start that change now.
Book your discovery session with me here. Your life is worth it.