
We experience it dramatically right now, but we’ve lived through it before.


Remember the times when you used to wake up, step on the scale and plan your day, your week, your month or year depending on the number you saw?

Remember the times when you were so shy you couldn’t unload the dishwasher with someone standing next to you?

Remember the times when you could only sleep with an empty stomach and a full belly felt like hell?


Remember the 24/7 – 365 – day – calorie-counter in your head and the extreme difficulty of shifting your focus away from your body, food and the size of your jeans?

Remember being an A-grade student, a perfectly behaved child and scared shitless every time you had to pick up the phone or talk to someone you didn’t know?

Remember the depressive episodes that tied you to your bed, your room, crippling your spirit and making you unable to leave your home?


Now, we live in times where we can’t really leave our homes for the sake of humanity’s health and those taking care of the sick. Now, we live in times where the protection of the greater whole takes precedence over individual longings and as important as it is, it feels haunting, it feels scary, it feels suffocating to many of us.

Change. It’s a constant.

And we grieve, don’t we?

We grieve our lives, we grieve our vacations, we grieve our plans, our future, the world as we thought we knew it.

We grieve going out to eat, just walking down the street without having this ominous feeling of darkness looming all around. .

We grieve as we change with the world that is evolving in ways unknown to us all.

It’s all new and it feels oh so weird.

But –  just like with everything else – we’ll adapt because…

… even though once upon a time, you may have been scared of unloading the dishwasher in front of your husband, if you’ve transformed and worked on yourself, you now can do so without fear or sweat.

… even though there may have been a time when you couldn’t handle food in your belly or that extra piece of chocolate on your tongue, you now can relish in the delights of it all.

… even though there may have been a time when life felt hopeless, there was also a time when it was glorious AF.

We’ll adapt and get used to what is, just like we’ve always done.

Yes, there may have been a time when you were afraid to face other people and now you speak in front of hundreds.

Yes, there may have been a time where your confidence was at the bottom and now it’s soaring, allowing you to shine through every fiber of your being.

And yes, there will be a time where being considerate and protective of others will be our new normal, even if it’s not going to be at such a large scale and with such big stakes.

Here’s what I know to be true:

Human beings adapt.

Human beings become used to new normals. All the time.

We fear, we worry, we resist and then we stretch and leap.

Now, we need to take that stretch and follow our heart, use our body compass, use what we have been given, the tools and resources that you learn when working with me.

Now, we need to reach for the resources that are available to us and implement in order to leap, to soar, to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix, spreading our wings and being a light to ourselves and those in need.

Showing the people we love that yes, we are in this together, we’ve got this, we can get through this as a global human community.

Yes, human beings adapt.

Yes, we can get used to everything – even the most horrendous things!

And we don’t have to!

And there is another way.

Even though right here, right now, we’re all in this extreme situation, we can stay aware, awake and mindful that this is not how it’s supposed to be forever.There are parts in all of this that should be part of our new normal, your new normal.

So what have you learned about yourself, about this world?

What are you grateful for?

What are you celebrating?

Who are you now that you weren’t two weeks ago?

Who are you now that you weren’t four months ago?

Wh are you now that you weren’t three decades ago?

What’s normal and how has it changed?

What’s new and what’s really now?

How have you adapted to daily new life?

And how are you going to move forward, being, becoming the woman that you are deep inside? Rising even higher, sharing your light even more, spreading that soulful artistry that only you have inside of you, that hopefully will be born out of this crisis, out of this deep hole that all of us are in.

I needed two weeks to get used to this.

I was grieving, I was overwhelmed, I was worried, I was grateful, I was scared, I was annoyed and all the emotions in between that went and came like waves of the ocean that I miss so much.

And yet, we already have a new routine, a new normal. Being very much conscious of the fact that this is going to evolve.

How are you going to step it up in your own way, in your own time?

Know that if your heart is tugging at you, if there is a part of you that says, yes, now’s the time for me to change something, anything, reach out.

I’m here and I’ve got your back.

I am here to support you through the messiness, through the mud of these feelings that are overwhelming us like a tidal wave. But this tidal wave can wash away parts of you that are no longer need, parts of you that belong to the past.

Now’s the time to let them go.

Now’s the time to dig deep, find your courage, unleash your magnificence and be part of the force that is going to shape this new world.

I believe in you.

I know that deep down there’s a spark in you that believes in you too! Even if it’s just a murmur, you know that it’s there, so reach out and realize your potential now.

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