by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Jan 3, 2023
Living a boldly magnificent is not a thing you do once, it’s an approach to a live full of adventure,, self-realization, and chasing your dreams. If you want to make your dreams come true and not wait for “one day” or “if something turns out...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Nov 12, 2022
All beliefs have consequences. This was a sentence my coach mentioned in our mastermind. All beliefs, whether positive or negative, whether helpful or disempowering, have the power to change the course of your life. And – even more impactful – your...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Nov 3, 2022
We all have times when life doesn’t go the way we want it to go, right? We all experience days of hopelessness, anger, pain and heartache and sometimes these times linger on longer than they should. A few years ago, while I was going through one of those phases of...