Bow Out & Why Are You Still abandoning Yourself?

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I talk about how to bow out of diet prison gracefully and leave the stage of your life that was completely consumed by your need to be thin and struggling with bingeing, overeating, restricting and overexercising.

Holding back out of fear of losing someone

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I talk about some of the fears that kept me from totally speaking my truth and how important it is for us women to be authentic – even when we’re scared of losing others. You and me? AND Saint Tropez? 2...

Stop Surviving, Start Thriving

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I talk about beginning to thrive instead of buying into the belief that merely surviving is acceptable and a nice way to spend your years on planet Earth.

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