Once I’m Thin, I’ll….

How often have you told yourself that once you’re thin, you’ll be happy/engaged/change your career/go and travel to that country/leave your husband and finally just do what you’ve always wanted to do?

Exercise as Punishment

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb and I share the process of untangling yourself from using exercise as a form of punishment to being free in moving your body.

How to Stop the Weekend Binges

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I share strategies that’ll help you to say bye-bye to those overwhelming and painful weekend binges – whether they’re plan days in ahead or happen spontaneously.

Don’t Should Yourself

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, Deb and I share our strategies for making self-care a priority even when times are busy and your resistance is flying high.

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