by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Jun 14, 2018
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb and I discuss the concept of NOT feeling guilty for eating and how to get to the point of complete freedom from worrying about every bite you put into your mouth.
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Jun 9, 2018
Summer is here, and for many, it’s a season of sunshine, fun, and outdoor adventures. But if you’re struggling with body image, summer can also feel overwhelming. How do you enjoy summer with body image struggles when the thought of swimsuits, shorts, and social...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Jun 5, 2018
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast we talk about body checking, the cost of it and how to begin beating the body checking monster in you to the ground. Lovingly, of course. 😉 Body checking is the repeated act of “checking” specific body...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | May 18, 2018
In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I am joined by Jenny McQuaile, the director and producer of the documentary Straight/Curve: Redefining Body Image.
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | May 16, 2018
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison, Deb and I talk about mothers, daughters and body image, how our own mothers shaped our relationship with food, with our bodies and dieting. We also share tips about how to mother yourself.
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | May 10, 2018
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison, Deb and I talk about that judgy voice and share our best tips and tricks to not let it discourage you from living your best life. Because – in the end – that is the goal, isn’t it?