5 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Escape Diet Prison
When you escape diet prison, there may be days when progress is slower than you desire, which is when you need to ask yourself these five questions.
When you escape diet prison, there may be days when progress is slower than you desire, which is when you need to ask yourself these five questions.
Lucy Aphramor and I talk about her path to becoming a radical dietitian, how nutrition affects health, the costs of society’s anti-fat messages & much more!
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, we share our thoughts on how to learn to accept and respect your body – even when your parents don’t.
In this video, I talk about the unexpected things that happen when you honestly allow yourself to eat all foods – without fear, guilt or shame.
I talk about the importance of knowing and respecting the vulnerabilities that can present themselves as obstacles on the way to freedom from dieting.
In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison, Deb and I talk about how to feel your fullness again after a lifetime of dieting and not trusting your body.