Your Weight Doesn’t Matter

In the grand scheme of things your current weight doesn’t matter. In the tiny scheme of things you future weight doesn’t matter. In the scheme of things 20 pounds more or less is simply not important. It’s a non issue. It won’t make the world go round faster. It won’t...

When Your Limiting Beliefs Stage a Revolt

When you escape diet prison, there is much that changes in your life: you gain more happiness you gain more freedom your gain more joy But there’s also so much you need to let go of in order to get to the happiness, the joy, the freedom. And that’s the part where most...

101 Body-Respect Affirmations

Affirmations are a beautiful way of changing the language in your head. They’re not a miracle method to healing all of your life’s problems, but they serve as a reminder of what is possible, where you’re headed and how life can change for you if you...

25 (more) Journaling Prompts for more Self-Love

One of the more popular blog posts on this site is the 25 Body-Love Journaling Prompts post. As I’ve been writing my new program 365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love and Happiness, I thought I’d write a follow up for this blog post...

How to heal the in-between binges

Do you struggle with the in-between binges? The ones that arise when you feel super stressed? When they’re no new clients, not enough money, just no flow? It’s SO easy to get triggered into an epic binge or even “just” a big ol’ emotional eating orgy when things just...

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