7 Years of Freedom from Diet Prison

7 years ago today, I went into treatment for my eating disorders. It was one of the scariest days of my life. The night before, I’d had a major fight with my ex-husband and we didn’t even say goodbye before I left. I remember feeling so shaken, so full of...

When You Take Your Scale on Vacation

It’s that time of the year where most of us start thinking about going on vacation, which can cause allllll kinds of anxiety, can’t it? Vacations used to be hell for me for all kinds of reasons: we’d eat out a lot, I wouldn’t be able to count...

6 Imperatives on Your Path to Body-Confidence

Committing to body-confidence, real, honest, trusting body-confidence takes the willingness to not only question your long-held beliefs but also a dedication to eradicating patterns and behaviors that seem normal now but can’t be considered normal anymore....

Bodies are weird

Bodies are weird. They do things we aren’t very excited about, like farting and getting sore when we’re doing fun stuff and extruding…substances. Often times, these are sources of shame and embarrassment, silly as it is. We worry about allowing people to get too...

From Overexercising to Body-Confidence

When I was a little girl I began to believe I was a klutz. My father frequently told me this, others compared me to my sister who was apparently “coordinated”, and of course, good old Ma Martin in gym class did not do much to counter my ideas about my physical...

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