by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Dec 13, 2018
Accepting the changes in your body throughout your life and especially when you are ready to escape diet prison usually takes some work. There are so many conditions attached to the way we see our bodies, there is so much “stuff” related to our weight, our...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Dec 9, 2018
As you begin the journey to create ease around food, you have the beautiful opportunity to connect with your body on a deep basis. This not only helps with strengthening your self-esteem but it also enables you to create a freer life for yourself and the generations...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Dec 3, 2018
Why do you want to be thin? Have you ever truly asked yourself? Or is it just a default thing you want – you’ve always wanted?
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Nov 21, 2018
Are the Holidays a source of food-fear and body-shame? Are you already stressed out and super overwhelmed thinking about the family gatherings, the Christmas parties, the cookies, the punch, and all the other “temptations” you’ll be presented with in...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Nov 20, 2018
When you feel the need to escape diet prison you’re in for a ride. Paving the way from being obsessed about your body to living in food and diet freedom is truly an adventure of a lifetime. You’ll feel SO. MUCH. JOY., experience SO. MUCH. FEAR. and tons of...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Oct 24, 2018
Everything in life is a choice. The way you feel is a choice. The way you act is a choice. The way you hurt yourself is a choice – just as much as the way you love yourself is one. We can choose happiness over sadness. Love over shame. Gentleness over guilt. We...