When you feel betrayed by your body

Sometimes when you feel you’re doing everything right, it’s really hard to accept that your body has other plans. Sometimes when you are eating “good” and you are taking care of yourself, it’s really hard to surrender control to your...

The Long Road

Yes, escaping diet prison takes time. It is a long road. A winding road. It’s a road that often feels like a circle. It’s a road that often feels unending. It’s a road that challenges you, stretches you, re-births you. It’s a road that can also...

Body-Confidence After Being a Diet-Addict

Thin. Frail. Skinny. Shadow-y. Delicate. Small. Body be gone.  Words and thoughts that circle in our minds when we’re addicted to being the smallest version of ourselves. Maaaaybe there’s an aspect of wanting to be toned and strong in our thinness, but...

You do not have to earn your food

You do not have to be “good” for five days in order to eat that slice of cake or that bite of a donut. You do not have to punish yourself with a long workout because you had “too much” to eat. You do not have to place your worthiness as a human...

My Top 10 Experiences of 2018

When we remember we are all mad,  the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.  Mark Twain We made it. We may have gone mad. But we made it. Another trip around the sun, another year behind us, 365 sunrises that gave us a brand new chance to be who we’ve...

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