by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Apr 21, 2019
Easter used to be a big old binge fest for me. I’d wake up before 6am anticipating the chocolate, the cakes, the Easter feast. Before Easter, I’d restrict for weeks in order to then be “allowed” to eat, to dig in, to inhale chocolate Easter...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Apr 2, 2019
Now’s the time to stop holding on to your thin privilege, your phantasy of losing the weight once and for all, your desire to be someone you’re not.
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Mar 16, 2019
You’re fed up with how you relate to food and your body and you just know that you know that you must do something anything to stop hurting being in so much terror all day every day and you want to you really do but in the everyday life the daily actions you...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Mar 5, 2019
Just because something was true back in the day, doesn’t mean it’s true now. Just because you once felt sad and alone, doesn’t mean you have to hold on to those feelings forever and ever. Just because you were once betrayed, doesn’t mean...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Feb 24, 2019
A BIIIIG part of healing your relationship with food and your body – no matter where you are on the spectrum of weight – is your WILLINGNESS to change. You WILL NOT – and I repeat WILL NOT – change if you stomp with your feet and yell and...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Feb 22, 2019
Sometimes when you feel you’re doing everything right, it’s really hard to accept that your body has other plans. Sometimes when you are eating “good” and you are taking care of yourself, it’s really hard to surrender control to your...